
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


How do I untrim a surface with rhinocommon? I am trying to do "closest point to surface" and then "curve on surface" but the former is not working because my surface is supposedly a brep (when doing rhino.geometry.surface.closestpoint()), even though ghcomp.surfaceclosestpoint is working with that surface (but I am trying to avoid ghcomp for performance reasons). I had been using ghcomp.untrim(), but what is the equivalent with rhinocommon? And while we are on the topic, how do I do "curve on surface" in rhinocommon. I am using python by the way.


Views: 1876

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Thanks for the help. How do you find out about methods such as mesh.Faces.GetFaceCenter? The way I have been going about finding commands is typing out Rhino.Geometry.... and seeing what pops up in the list- GetFaceCenter is not even listed.

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