
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Migrating "Trampoline" to Visual Studio 2012 (or building a timer in Visual Studio)

Hello all

I am trying to migrate Giulio Piacentino's trampolite from the script editor of Grasshopper to Visual Studio. I need a timer for controlling some commands in a project on which I am working.

So far I managed to compile and create the bubble with no errors but... it doesn't really work. Somehow, the bubble is "ignoring" the code inside and thus the timer is not really working.

I guess I need to add something explicitly which is implicitly added when you are using the script editor in Grasshopper...

I am using Visual Studio 2012 and Windows XP.. I am also leaving the code here so that anyone can take a look. Is there anyone out there who can help me?

Thank you very much!

Views: 416


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Hi mcomart,

I don't think that this is a great project to migrate these days: there is the standard Grasshopper timer that does not require installing.

If this is for your own learning, you need to understand the difference between fields and local variables.
I've fixed the script in the attachment.

I hope this helps,

Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates


Thank you very much for your help Giulio! I'm going to check it... I know there is a standard Grasshopper timer but for now I don't seem able to find a way to stop it (anyone can help with this??) with a boolean output from other component, so this code might work with what I want to do.

Thanks a lot






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