
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

As the title says, I am unable to copy+paste components in Grasshopper, via CTRL+V or by Edit>Paste (or Paste in place, Paste in center, etc.). I do not get an error message or indication that it failed... but nonetheless, nothing happens. This has persisted for about a month now.

"Cut" works halfway - ie I push CTRL+X and a component will disappear - but I can not then Paste the component back in to the document.

Cut/Copy/Paste all work as intended in Rhino 5 itself, as well as all other programs I use.

Currently using Rhino Version 5.0  (5.1.20927.2230, 09/27/2012) and Grasshopper 0.9.00014, 32 bit.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Or found a solution for it?

Views: 2327

Replies to This Discussion

Can you copy/cut from Grasshopper and paste in notepad? If yes, please post that xml here so I can try and paste it in my Grasshopper.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Unfortunately, attempting to paste in to notepad gives no result.

Is it possible that this issue is related to using 32-bit Rhino on a 64-bit system? Copy/Paste did work in Grasshopper months ago when I was using a 64-bit WIP build of Rhino.

So it's not Paste that is busted, but probably Copy. Can you save and reopen the file without issues? If there's a bug in the serialization than both Copy and Save should fail.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Saving seems to work fine. I have been using this install of Grasshopper frequently for about a month now, and the only issue seems to be this copy/paste bug.

It's peculiar. Recent versions of Grasshopper should have some copy-paste error catching build in as there were frequent problems due to other programs monopolizing the clipboard (Skype, Chrome and Firefox most notably). However that should no longer be a problem and even if it was a problem there'd have been an error message.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

i also experience this behaviour,

then also the delete key does not work anymore. instead, rhino gets the input i do - though the GH window has the focus (apparently) ..

Hello Robert Vier, I was wondering if you managed to fix this issue about Rhino getting the input the GH window should get?? I have the same problem right now... what did you do?

I have also noticed this Delete-Focus issue. At least in my case, however, the Delete-Focus issue is intermittent, and can usually be fixed by restarting Rhino. I have not yet found a workaround for the inability to Paste

I have experienced the Delete button not working as well as copy paste being broken... It has only happened 5-6 times over the last couple months. I have only experienced it with Rhino4 along with the latest (at the time) GH build. (Windows7)

I followed advice here:

and it worked for me. Your problem may be different, but it may be worth trying.






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