
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys!

I´m having a little difficulty with the subsrf(isotrim).

i have a surface, that i created in rhino and reference it to grasshopper.

i derived the surface from a sphere in the beginning.

i want to simply create panels with divide+subsrf and then maybe apply pipes. 

the problem is that as soon as i use subsrf he compiles my surface to be a sphere, which is absoluteley not what i want. 

in the 3rd image i used debrep before the subsrf and everything works fine. 

Any idea as of why this could be?

thanks in advance!

Views: 1429


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Many components will read trimmed surfaces for their non trimmed counterparts (mostly components relying on UV and domains) because the domain of a trimmed surface is part of the non trimmed surface it is from. Your best bet is to rebuild the surface after trimming.

Can you expand on this a bit more? I have the same problem; I've got a trimmed surface that used to be part of a sphere. I'm doing things like creating panel divisions on this trimmed surface, but instead of stopping at the edges of the trimmed surface in the u direction, it's continuing all the way around, as if the original sphere was still there.

I tried looking for some kind of component that would use the u and v constraints of the trimmed surface as the domain min and max, but I couldn't find anything like this. Do you have any suggestions?






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