
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Man this is frustrating because I feel like its pretty simple but I'm stuck.

So basically what I've done thus far is create a script that makes a count of centroid coordinates between a domain. What I would now like to do is "combine" (only count once) the panels that are stacked vertically between the domain. (I've only got 3 surfaces selected to cut down on the confusion)The domain is the horizontal lines on the object to the ground plane. so Level 1 is 0-8'-7 3/4". Level 2 is 8'-7 3/4" - 15'-3 3/4". ect. 

The approach is that the panels that are stacked on top of each other have the same x,y coordinate so they can be separated and counted as 1 instance in the final count. 

I started trying to deconstruct the points and create sets of each x and y value but I've got no idea where to go from there. Any have any ideas?

Excel File being referenced looks like this:

Ground 0
1 8.6458
2 15.0625
3 22.375
4 28.5
5 35.333
6 42.2708

Views: 353


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Try this, Its a bit of a re-write more than an edit of your code, as it was quicker for me to work from your written logic above than edit your code.

Hope it Helps



Hey Matt,

Thanks! This looks to be what I needed. Not sure I entirely understand each step but I think I understand generally what you're doing. I took your string after the deconstruct for x and y to the "create set" component and fit it into my script after my dispatch and it seems to be working. 

If I'm understanding correctly your taking the x and y values and joining them by a comma. I'm unsure how the shift path is working but it looks to be collapsing the individual branches for level 5 into one branch. Is that correct? Then finding the unique set and counting the list length. 

Sorry about all the questions! I'm fairly new but doing my best to learn what I can.

Thanks Again!


Hi Shaun ,

Yeah sorry I forgot to highlight the answer to your question in the code I made. Yes your right about how joined the x and y and asked for unique ones.

I have updated the code to include notes so you can understand what I did a bit better.


Thanks man that's awesome. Thanks for the help!






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