
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a model consisting by surfaces in the form of a polysurface/mesh. The surfaces are the triangles of a mesh. I want to make a composition of patterns projected on this polysrf/mesh so at first i want to project a pattern on it but the geometry needs to be unrolled or something like that in order the patternto spread on more than one triangle. My problem is that the unrollsrf command doesnt help me because the triangles overlap one each other sometimes. If i am describing it in a clear way im searching for a way to unroll it in a manner that it keeps continuity so that the story of the pattern develops smoothly on the panels, and avoid abrupt changes in the way the pattern develops from panel to panel.


1) my model 1.JPG

2) the pattern i want to project 2.JPG

3) what happens when i hit unrollsrf 3.JPG

4) what happens when i use pull for the pattern onto the surfaces 4.JPG

Views: 5178

Replies to This Discussion

About unfolding (or unrolling) you could also take a look at:

But I doubt that's the way to go. Even if you manage to unroll your polysurface without overlapping, you will certainly have gaps between some adjacent triangles so your projected pattern will also have gaps.

Without posting the file you will probably not get any more help. all I can think of is that you could try [map to surface] component and see if it helps...






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