
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I have a question about dynamic range slider. If I use remap componnet to automatically change the range, sometimes multiple values in slider correspond to the same new value. When taking this method into the optimization cases, eg. using Galapagos, this condition will lead to duplicate calculation. Is there any method to solve this problem?



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You can use the Create Set component to remove duplicate values from a list.

Hi David,

Thank you for your help. But how does it realize what I want? What I mean is that multiple values such as 0.025~ 0.028 correspond to the same new value like 5. Because slider can give only one value, eg.0.025, how does the creat set component remove other values 0.026~ 0.028 in the slider?



yes, I would be interested how to solve that Problem as well.

You can use an expression on the slider.

1. Create a slider with the amount of steps that you want to allow (e.g. 0-100, integers)

2. Right click slider, and click expression

3. Use expression x*0.25 to use 100 steps of 0.25, or x*0.05 to have 100 steps of 0.05. Your slider is now effectively a slider of 0 to 5, with steps of 0.05.

Hi Arend,

Thank you for your method though it seems not to change automatically. Because my slider need to change every time.


what do you mean by change automatically?

Hi Arend,

Because I want to take sliders as variables in optimization. The sliders have to meet some constraints. For example, one value is selected from one slider, and the range of another sldier is set according to that value. 


Hi Arend,

What I want is just like the description in

Are there any idea to reach that goal? I also want to design a component by programing, do you know where to find the original script of slider?

Thank you.


The slider is not open source as far as I know.






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