
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am having the below issue:

"1. Solution exception:A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself"

Im assuming im trying to send too large a string at  the same time.

How do I overcome this? Is there a way of staggering the sending of data.

I am a total newbie when it comes to UDP,


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Are you trying to send more than 64kb of data at a time (that is the limit on UDP)?  What is the data?  From where is it coming from?

Hi Louis

That's explains it then.

I'm trying to send data via udo where the data is composed of 4000 strings in a list. So, I guess the Udp sender is steaming this is one continuous string which is obviously larger than 64kb.

How do i send a large amount of data via udp? I guess ideally you want to send it as staggered packets where each packet is a string from the list, I don't see how to do it with the existing ghowl components. Any ideas?

You cannot send more than 64kb through UDP.  Sure, one could stagger, but it might be better to use TCP.  Unfortunately I have not finished those components yet!


Hi Luis

thanks for reply.

That's a bummer.

So how much data have you parsed before using ghHowl? Is there another solution? 64kB is nothing.

How difficult would it be to write a TCP component myself? Im an experienced programmer and have written a lot of custom components but I have enough on my plate without getting into UDP/TCP. Id prefer to leave it to someone who has good knowledge of it/has already started writing those components............






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