
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am wondering how should I set up this kind of model for daylight analysis. I guess it should be multiple zones joined at the end. I tried to union it in rhino, but the resulting brep could not be used as a zone. Also, I have a vertical wall for light bouncing, I am not sure how to include it into analysis.

Also I would like to ask if it is possible to get analysed grid as a curved surface, rather than flat plane.



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It is a value between 0 and 1 that indicates the percentage of the light which will be diffusely reflected from the surface. I think I suggested two resources if you hover your mouse on the component or check the help.

Dear Mostapha, thank you for your kind explanation. 

I am a little bit confused now, and I would like to ask some more things:

Which sky is used by default for daylight analysis, and how can I influence this? I understand I can create multiple conditions of the sky (with or without the sun), but where I introduce it into, for example, annual daylight simulation? Also, as I understand, I can create sky for specific day and time of day, while annual simulation is running for the whole year, and after it's done I can extract specific condition for specific time and day as well. Should I create a series of 365 skies, each with 24 variation for this kind of simulation?

Hi Petar,

You can introduce the sky for gridBased and imageBased analysis using the _skyFile input:

For other analysis types the skies are special and that's why they have their own recipe.

Daylight Factor and Vertical Sky Component are using cloudy (overcast) sky as default. You can use uniform sky as an alternative if you want by setting the input to True.

For the annual analysis, Daysim takes care of generating the sky. You don't need to generate the sky for each hour as this is exactly what Daysim does.

If you want to watch the sky for every hour of the year you can use Ladybug genCumulativeSky, selectSkyMtx and skyDome similar to what I showed in this video (minute 1:15): ( There is an example file for ladybug that called real time radiation analysis that may also help.

Hope it helps,

Let me know if you have any other questions.


wow..  that was great conversation
I learn it a lot,
just about ab value most of the time i use 5..
Dear Mostapha, thank you






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