
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to distribute points along the length of a curve.  I want to have a point at the beginning and end of the curve and I want to distribute points along the curve based on a sine wave or some other gradated form with a maximum distance of 36" and minimum of 16".  I'm going to use these points to define the boundaries of a module that will conform to the shape and flex/stretch depending on the distance between points.

I've been banging my head against this for a few days now.  Usually I come up with points distributed along a portion of the curve or 10000 points scattered all over without any discernable logic.   Can anyone help me out?

I'll attach .gh file with what I have so far.

Views: 7114


Replies to This Discussion

try this out


I modified Michael's definition a bit. Don't know if it's better, but it's another options.


This is the way I would have done it normally by curve parameter (t) but he mentioned he wanted a "maximum distance of 36" and minimum of 16"" so That is why I used evaluate length and actual inches rather than t values.

True! Missed that, sorry.

However, when I opened your definition it didn't spread the points out across the whole curve, just the beginning. I think it would have to be a repeating pattern--like a sine as Julian originally mentioned--to work.

It is working fine. Because it is by actual lengths and not t param you need to accumulate enough points to reach the overall length. Just increase the amount of points on the series to more than the curve, the definition will cut it off before it goes longer than the curve. 

Thanks Michael and Damon,

Both options work well for what we are trying to achieve.  Michael's creates a helical effect with all of the off set curves, while Damon's creates points that are more stacked since each point is based on the parameter 't'.

Thanks a lot to both of you!  I really just started using grasshopper this week. It can be a bit overwhelming.  I appreciate the help.







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