
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone,

I am relatively new to Grasshopper, I am working on my MSc thesis, I am trying to build universal RF with varying inner dia and also height between inner and outer end. I am trying also to model connection detail such remove part of the top and bottom beam at point where they connect, I am having problem to build this algorithm. Any suggestions?

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If you search this forum, there seems to be a few discussions about this topic, including this one:

Thanks for your reply. I did already went through this forum and number of other. Element what I want to achieve is not mention there. I am after such thing like they have presented in a solid waffle for laser cutting. At the intersection point of the extended curves, but this points are not stationary as I want to investigate number of variations, such nr of legs, different height, etc.  

One of the basic problems, I suppose, is to make some sort of algorithm which will automatically assign nr to each curve and separate them, then I could use Trim Solid or Solid intersection. But I want to make sure that cutting will have same shape and rotation as upper beam element.

Well, from the discussion I linked to, there are a number of definitions that deal with the variations part. I took Daniel Piker's which uses concentric polygons in a very simple way.

Here's what I got. Does this get you a (small) step farther along?


Fantastic, this is indeed what I've been trying to do, also I do apologise for not looking properly at this forum, a have spent decent time on  Arie-Willem de Jongh work and probably I should look for basic stuff. Thank you for updating it. Now I will try loading it using GeometryGYM and than to Robot Analysis. You have saved me a lot of time!

Fantastic work!!






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