
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


 Is there any command in grasshopper to get perpendicular lines

1. between two curves even if the two curves is not in same plane

2. between a point and a curve even if these two are not in same plane

Views: 4841

Replies to This Discussion

1) Curve Proximity - is your closest match

2) Curve Closest Point

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the tip but the lines are not actually perpendicular, when I turned the curves to 90° .

To be clear I have attached my curves file .. In that I want the line perpendicular from the point on the middle line to the neighbouring curves.


Sorry... you want perp from not 

2. between a point and a curve even if these two are not in same plane

Hi danny,

The second method is exactly what I am looking for.. I didn know It was quite simple.. as my collegue confused me to use normal plane frm the point which gets complicated and took time... Thank you sooo much for your kind defintion and patience!

No problem.

Point --> (A) Line

Point --> (P) Curve CP

Curve[1] --> (C) Curve CP

#Where Curve[1] is Set to the middle line

Curve[1] --> (C) Perp Frame

Curve CP (t) --> (t) Perp Frame

Curve[2] --> (C) Plane|Curve Intersect

#Where Curve[2] is Set to the destination Curves

Plane|Curve (P) --> (B) Line

Hi Everyone!

i'll continue this thread since it's what i'm looking for: curve proximity.

(fig 1)If i have two curves that, on different planes, have exactly 2 different points between each other at the same distance, the component just gives me one. How can i get the other one?

(fig 2) Similar to above, how can i get the SECOND pair of close points of the two curves?

(with the component i get where they the distance is minimum, can i get the set of points that is "second further apart"?)








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