
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I don't know How to make surface through various points.

I have just started Grasshopper , so there are many things that i don't know.

I think this looks quite simple, but i don't know how to make surface through the various points. I find the center point of cylinder and i'd like to make the surface through those points. Just one smooth surface.

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Post the definition (if not ... try the patch component and/or trim the nurbs in case that the component fails to do it).

See this as well (lot's of points > ... > nurbs)

Freeform surfaces are almost always nurbs surfaces in Rhino. Nurbs surfaces are defined by a rectangular grid of control-points. If you have a grid of points, you can either use them directly as control-points, or you can use them as interpolation points. The image you uploaded shows an incomplete rectangular grid. That means you cannot use it as control-point or interpolation input. You have two options:

  1. Re-instate the missing points, create a nurbs surface and then trim the result to only that part you care about, or
  2. Create a Patch surface.

Patch can handle non-rectangular input, however it doesn't guarantee that the surface will in fact intersect all the points. And you will still have to trim it afterwards.


David Rutten

Indeed Patch has some minus points (but I can think a lot of "artistic" cases where a well defined grid is not available, not even theoretically).

Anyway here's a small Patch test.

PS: attempting to split ("trim") the nurbs with the projected boundary curve caused 3 sequential crashes:


You need to untrim the source surface and retrim the target surface earned by translating points..

Here is quick images from your definition..






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