
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there, I'm designing a structure made by lines and points.

At the end of my work, I'd like to replace points with sphere, part of the lines with a special connector (brep) and the lines with a simple pipe.

For the sphere and the pipe I don't have any problem, because I'm using MOVE + Vector to point.

For the pipe is very simple, as I will appy pipe to the lines.

I have problem to introduce a special component, a custom brep.

I was considering to take some reference points and use orient direction, but even if the component is aligned, it is also scaled. Is there any way to aligned that component without scaling?

Thank you.

Views: 10080


Replies to This Discussion

If you can create a plane at the correct location with the correct alignment then it is a simple case of using the component [Orient].

There are several options to create planes in GH including [Line + Line], [Line + Pt] and [Plane 3Pts]. You should be wary of using [Normal] as there is a lack of control over the orientation of the other axes.

And to move it to multiple locations just have multiple Target Planes

Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to determinate the plane for each edge of my pentagon shape. I need that plane has as origin one of the
points and the normal the line itself, but if I use plane (line+pt) it doesn't work because it's co linear. How I can do?
Thank you

Is this what you want?


I don't know of Danny has answered your question but here is a quick way to get the planes .


Hi Matt,

My only skepticism with that approach would be if the target curve was not closed or if the angles between sections changed from 1 side to the other and/or were close to 180º it might not work as expected. Where as the offset of the target polyline to get the point (almost) guarantees a plane as you expect.

Fair enough I had not thought that far ahead, expect mine would be quite breakable.  Was just a very quick test I though I would post. Thought there must be a good reason why you had written a longer more complex code.






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