This is a feature request. I'm not requesting clusters but I think I need to mention them.
Grasshopper used to have clusters... in my opinion they were fantastic, not because they were well implemented (sorry David) but because I thought it gave a glimpse of what could happen in the future. Being able to construct and collapse pieces of the process into your own reusable components is a huge time saver and it also could promote custom component sharing.
OK I said this wasn't about clusters but it is almost the same. What if you could drag and drop definitions into the canvas? Something like document merging but with two simple changes.
1.It drops where you want in the canvas
2.It is automatically contained in a group
With this feature the user can start to build his own library of reusable generic processes. Form explorer he can and drop them in the canvas like components but instead it creates groups.
In the same logic the user should be able to save a group as a definition. Some useful features could be added later to this, for example if two or more components inside the group are connected to one component outside the group the definition is saved with a place holder of the appropriate type, in order to preserve the connections.
The sharing could be centralized and the most used/downloaded definitions can be later transformed into proper optimized components.
that's it, should be simple yet very powerful.