algorithmic modeling for Rhino
hello guys im facing a problem with catenary native component. i wonder if you have gone through this or if its just my graphics card i dont know... sometimes when i use the catenary component i get these lines going to infinity... and then i get to see either the rhino objects or the grasshopper object (when i turn off or on the grasshopper viewer respectively) and the file stops working normally the rhino cant find any objects in the file.
thank you in advance
sorry, the printscreen
Looks like a bug, can you post the file that causes this?
David Rutten
im suspecting that there is problem with the stability of the catenary component. check it out david and let me know
I suspect that's an error having to do with the calculation of the catenary. Some inputs can cause the calculation the spin out of control, or just not work. Are you using the built-in generic catenary?
i observed that when i dispatch the lines that i want to catenary and choose the ones that are longer than a certain length (2.7 let's say) there is no problem. so maybe the very smal lines (or even the normally small ones (smaller than 2.7m) can cause problems. is this helpful for you people? can someone maybe think how it could be solved?
thank you
What lines are you talking about? Do you mean the length of catenary input?
i posted the def. so what i do is that i have some lines which i want to convert into catenaries. so i measure the length of the lines and then i feed the length multiplied by a factor to the catenary input. so when i create catenaries for small-lengthed lines the rsult is lines going to infinity.
Ok well then that's obviously the problem. The catenary component can't handle lines under a certain length. That's not an error on your part; it's just a function of GH's method for determining the lines.
David has discussed before on other discussions that the catenary is formed from a series of intermediate points as I recall. I suspect that whatever script he uses can't handle it.
Unfortunately, I don't think you'll find a fix for this. Two possible courses from here:
1) Transform your lines to maybe 10x the current size, find the appropriate catenary, then transform it back down to the correct scale.
2) Use a different catenary component. I originally asked which definition you are using because there are other catenary components on this site that people have created that use different inputs and/or may work better for you.
Thanks a lot Michael. The number 1 didnt work. I cant know why... As for the 2nd solution, does anyone know another component? maybe another solution could be kangaroo but im thinking it could be a slow procedure
Kangaroo would be super fast; however not all catenaries are created equally. You'd have to accept that the catenary it creates is dependent on whatever force you input, where you input it, how many points you have, etc.
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