
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone
I have worked out a method to approximate a line tangent to a circle or to two circles, however this method is useless at this point since I need to get a line drawn between two pseudo ellipses ( pseudo in the sens that they are generated by intersecting a softly curving tube with an angled plane.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Could you show us the method you developed and a simple drawing of what you wish to achieve?

Hi Phil, I am facing the same issue at the moment, how did you solve your problem? thanks!

Salut Philippe! Long time! Comment vas-tu?

I guess you went there already

What's your approximation method? is it similar to mine?

I think all I could do more on the subject would be a binary search script, but it would still be an approximation of course to a threshold...

Tiens moi au courant quand tu passes à Paris! A+


Oh my! I didn't see the dates!

Hey Fred

That was funny, but it does not hurt to try some post of 4 years ago haha..

I saw your strategy. So let me see if I understand, as we can only get tangents from a circle, you used a circle and then stretched into an ellipse? Yesterday I noticed that there are tangents between circles, but the component did not work with ellipses...

The question here will be, as I already have an ellipse, I cant obtain it from a circle, I wonder if there could be some reverse engineering process to that.... hummm 

By the way, I am a beginner at GH getting into very challenging problems...



post a file if you want an answer. I'll look into it.

ok, let me clean it, its a bit of a big file...

Hi, here it is, the file is large, but I cant take the part concerning this issue as the rest will be affected. Please find the files here.

Thanks a lot


I used Convex Hull to get the wrapping curve. It's an approximation, but if you sample the ellipsesish curves densely you should get an answer close to the real one.

If you only want the tangents, explode the polyline and find the two longest segment.


David Rutten


thanks David, I will take a look at it now.

Hull solves the need for tangents of top of ellipse with top of ellipse, but I cant make crossed tangents  between the top of one ellipse and the bottom of the other one, any clues? this is driving me crazy, interesting, seems so simple yet so hard...






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