
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I am working with Grasshopper and I am trying to make a script that creates a network surface and returns it to Grasshopper.

Marc Hoppermann made a similar one befor but it is outdated.

At the moment, I am working with C# and got some problems understanding the new SDK of Rhino.


My question would be:

Is there a way to change the “AddCurve” command in line 2 so that it returns a Curve (type)?

Or do I have to work with Guid and if yes, how can I select them and add them to a list?


1             foreach (Curve Crv in CrvList) {

2             Curve bakedCrv = doc.Objects.AddCurve(Crv);

//doc.Objects.AddCurve(Crv) returns type Guid, but I need type Curve

3             bakedCrv.Select();

4             ListOfCrv.Add(bakedCrv);

5             }


Thank you very much.


Views: 912

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Hi Maximilian,

Can't help you with your current problem, but at the time when that topic was created (2009), there was no RhinoCommon method for creating a surface out of curves network. Since then, at some point it has been implemented:

There's a simplified version, and the one with control of curve parameters for both directions.

Sorry, Why do you want to bake anything?

Network surface is now in the sdk and as a component.

  private void RunScript(List<Curve> C, ref object E, ref object S)
    int error;

    NurbsSurface Surf = NurbsSurface.CreateNetworkSurface((C), 1, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAngleToleranceDegrees, out error);

    S = Surf;

    switch (error)
      case 1:
        E = "Curve sorter failed";
      case 2:
        E = "Network initializing failed";
      case 3:
        E = "Failed to build surface";
      case 4:
        E = "Network surface is not valid";
        E = ":)";



Thank you both very much for your help.

Honestly, I have a hard time to find anything on the SDK site. =(

But I am starting to understand the logic behind it. (Lerned C# two days ago.)

So yeah, I already crafted something nice for my tool. Thanks again and have a nice day.

Best regards


Yeah, there's a learning curve... btw I hate c# if I were in your place I'd try python!






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