
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, 

I have a curve with multiple curves intersecting it. I also subdivided this curve by a given distance. I am trying to select all of the points that lie on the curve (Points from the subdivisions + points from the intersections) 

Is there a way I can ask grasshopper to select all points on a given curve? 


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You can use [Curve Closest Point] to get the distances to the curve and then select only those that have a distance equal to zero. I have plugged these into a [Boolean Param] to get a pattern of 0s and 1s and the used the [Cull Pattern] component with an <Invert> P input.


Thank you so much for the quick, clear and concise explanation. I did not think to put the distance = 0 for Curve Closest Point. 

I am assuming that the point that gets inserted into the P of Curve closest point are the set of points I am analyzing- but when I set output D as 0 (using an integer component), I do not get the desired result. 

Using the Boolean Param and the Cull patter component only gives me the points that were created from subdiving the line, and not the ones created from the intersections

The point at the intersection should be included, no? 

Could you help me figure out what I am doing wrong here? 

Thank you again!



Try flattening the list of Points going into [Curve CP] so you get a single set to work on

Also on reflection you haven't included the MCX pts


I've flattened my list and included both groups of points. Unsure why the final list of points is still skipping the intersections.

I'm a bit unsure what the Boolean param operation is doing in there either O_O

Thanks for helping me out here!



Just try turning off the preview for the mcx






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