
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

second test using the mayaParticle2GH def.

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Comment by Justin Diles on April 21, 2010 at 7:48am

Thank you for the clarifications; I have it working perfectly now. (Previously, I'd only launched Maya's Expression Editor to modify specific particle shape attributes.) Super cool.

Comment by robert cervellione on April 21, 2010 at 6:44am

1. it works with nParticle or legacy particle system

2. the ghx need the latest wip of grasshopper (6.0059)

3.maya will create a nParticle cache for each frame in real time

4. this has to do with question 3 as well. you do not put the script in the command line, you put it in a new Expression (Window > Animation Editors > Expression Editor)

Comment by Justin Diles on April 21, 2010 at 4:20am

I have a few questions since I cannot seem to get your GHX definition working & would love to experiment with it:

1. Does the script only work with Maya nParticles?
2. Does the GHX require a specific release of Grasshopper and/or Maya (2009,2010,etc.)
3. Should Maya automatically create a particle cache file for each frame (which Grasshopper then reads) or does one play the Maya animation to drive Grasshopper in real time?
4. After giving my particles a rgbPP, I copy and paste your "dynExport -all true -atr position -atr velocity -atr rgbPP -f pda" text into the Mel command line and hit enter. Is this all I need to do or is it more complex?

Thanks in advance for your assistance. I don't know where I'm going wrong.
Comment by Ángel Linares on April 14, 2010 at 3:35pm
Great perfomance :)
Comment by robert cervellione on April 14, 2010 at 11:27am
i actually slowed the animation down to make it easier to see. the particles come in in real time and will update if they are updated in Maya in real time. i have not tested it too much yet in GH ( i have used 50,000 particles in GC with out an issue) but i was just playing with a 2,000 particle animation in GH in real time. the version i uploaded reads asci particle files that maya writes. i have a version that reads the PDC which is a binary file. i did not see your UDP plugin, looks good.
Comment by Luis Fraguada on April 14, 2010 at 11:14am
Is this realtime? Its rad either way!Maya Fluids to GH This is what I was getting realtime sending the data via UDP...I think mostly my old machine was quite slow!





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