
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sculpting a bowl in the new Kangaroo

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Comment by Archer on August 7, 2015 at 3:47am

Hi Daniel:

I have same problem when using interactive dragging, even following ur operation in vedio, it still doesn't work. And I'm using bootcamp to run Windows 8.1 Pro. Does that matters? Thanks!!

Comment by Mostafa Magdy on August 5, 2015 at 3:34am

Hi Dan I'm interested in manipulating the mesh using leap motion directly as Well is there any means for doing so ? Thanks.

Comment by Josué Tello on May 17, 2015 at 6:29am

Hi, Dan. i'm interested in manipulate a mesh just like in this video. But I want to use leapmotion controller to grab anchor points by pickin them up with thumbs and index finger. how can we connect leapmotion controller to kangaroo? which definition I can use? I apreciate your help. Thanks

Comment by Jaye O'Dwyer on April 11, 2015 at 7:28pm

Thanks Joaquim the COFF load settings worked.

Comment by Joaquim Filipe Reis on April 11, 2015 at 9:18am

Everything work perfectly on Bootcamp. Maybe Jaye should check Grasshopper developer setting - Assembly loading. - turning the COFF loading setting.

Comment by Daniel Piker on April 11, 2015 at 8:27am

@ Jaye - try some of the troubleshooting tips here:

I think it works fine in bootcamp, but don't have a mac to test this (if anyone running this in bootcamp can confirm please do)

@Shima_sn - Sorry for the delay - the new release now has settings for both tolerance of combining points, and range for grabbing. I think these will solve the problem

Comment by Jaye O'Dwyer on April 11, 2015 at 8:05am


I can't seem to get the grab tool to work, i am running this off boot-camp would have have anything to do with it?


Comment by shima sn on March 28, 2015 at 2:42pm

Thank you for the respond! 

I scaled the mesh and now, as you said, it has an output. Although, I can't drag! The drag component works perfectly when I use the example files such as the sculpt and shell, also the wire turns gray when I attempt to use it. Any ideas what might be the reason?

Comment by Daniel Piker on March 28, 2015 at 6:28am

Hi Shima,

Yes, this should work on any mesh. Seeing that image, I would guess that the problem is caused by some of the edges being shorter than the point combination tolerance (see here. I should get an update out with an input for this in the next day or two, but in the meantime try scaling everything up). Nice to see this tailoring/sheet forming application - very cool.

and @Roderick - thanks :) I got the last one at least!

Comment by shima sn on March 27, 2015 at 5:39pm

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the awesome new Kangaroo solver. 

I have a question about the sculpt script. Can I apply it to any kind of mesh? Because I'm trying to get a bended mesh out of the old Kangaroo physics and then do small manipulations by the drag option in Kangaroo 2. The problem is, the solver doesn't give me any outcome when I input the new mesh. any suggestions?





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