
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

AA Visiting School Jordan 2016 - Amman, Aqaba / Red Sea

AA Jordan is a ten-day computational architecture workshop as part of the Architectural Association' Visiting School Programmes.

Hyperbolic Reefs

Dates: July 16 to 25, 2016

Location: Amman and Aqaba / Red Sea . Jordan


At Jordan’s southern-most tip, the Gulf of Aqaba encapsulates a vast biodiversity of marine life including coral reefs and benthic organisms and habitats; many of which are endemic to the area.

As part of our programme agenda on ‘Natural Extremities’ we continue to build-up on design-research into unique ecological phenomena in the region. In July 2016, the focus will be on distinct marine topologies and morphologies found in the Gulf of Aqaba; and their transfiguration into outcomes within architecture and design with a particular focus on computational design methods. 

The ten-day programme will bring together a network of distinguished international faculty and guests to offer design-research units, specialist software tutorials and a guest-lecture series; the programme will be primarily based in Amman, and will include an exclusive visit to Aqaba were participants will study and document various marine habitats via snorkeling, photography and 3D-scanning.



-Professional awareness of computational design methodologies
-Exclusive Site Visits in Aqaba / Red Sea including snorkeling
-International team consisting of emerging designers and educators
-Lecture Series including world renown guests 
-Specialist seminars in cutting edge technical software (Including: Rhino Python Scripting, Grasshopper, Processing, Autodesk Maya)
-International networking and exposure opportunities
-Access to advanced digital fabrication facilities 
-Public Exhibition of Workshop Outcomes
-Certificate issues from the AA upon completion



Kais Al-Rawi


Julia Koerner , UCLA | JK Design

Vincenzo Reale , ARUP | AA

Filippo Nassetti , Zaha Hadid Architects | Mhox

Kais Al-Rawi , Walter P Moore | AA

Rana Zureikat, AA

Marie Boltenstern, Boltenstern

Mohamad Makkouk, Laceco International


Limited Spaces are Available, Application form accessible here

A 60GBP deposit can be made to secure a space, remaining payment before programme start.

The AA Visiting School Jordan requires a total fee of 895GBP. This includes:

Access to full workshop events

- Design-Research Units

- Specialist Technical Seminars

- Public Programme of Lectures, Discussions and Reviews

- Access to fabrication facilities

- Travel and Accommodation to the Aqaba for 2 Days

- All Site Entrance Fees

- 1 Year of Visiting Membership at the AA


You can Visit our website

or email us at


Polymorphic Variation Project (2015) - Joy Georgi, Hidaya Budair & Rasha Al-Shami - Crystal Radiosity Unit instructed by Vincenzo Reale & Marie Boltenstern

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Comment by SarahBrunning on March 11, 2021 at 4:55am

This is a cool exhibit that helps people understand the importance of coral reef conservation. Such texts help to find interesting facts about the coral population in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. I am sure that the degradation of the coral coast is associated with the technogenic catastrophe and the excess level of carbon dioxide is evidence of this.





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