
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

peter fotiadis
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 4:10am on November 15, 2021, Shadi Ez said…

Hi, I have a question for Python (or c#) and Rhino that I would be thankful if you can help me, unfortunately I am not very good at Python. We have a rectangular field, for example, with certain dimensions, we want to have 50 similar squares in it with fixed dimensions, and the only variable is the location of these squares. I want to have an algorithm or code that puts all the positions of these squares together in this bigger rectangular land, and these squares do not overlap.

At 7:43pm on July 11, 2020, Agastya Kumar said…

hi sir i have seen your previous post on pinwheel paneling could you please tell me how to use that scrip on my geometric model as the structure is a brep and i cant add three points for the script to work please help sir 

At 12:35am on April 30, 2020, vapeur said…

Your posts are reallllly helpful!! Many thanks!

At 10:09am on February 3, 2017, Evelyn Agiek said…

i am an architecture student and my tutor is focusing on this precedent study way too much i think he basically wants me to do it as my project haha whatever i do he is like go back that tower that ive showed you. I am new with grasshoper started learning it this year and he told me to look at brunching, bone structures and exoskeleton. Thanks for the reply xx

At 11:23am on February 1, 2017, Evelyn Agiek said…

Dear Peter, 

I am trying to replicate a tower that looks like this in grasshoper by using l systems and branching  would you be able to please help and tell me what you would be the best to do

At 4:50am on July 20, 2015, Flora1.618 said…

wow those curves are sexy. <3 <3 <3 

At 5:44pm on May 30, 2015, Ire said…

Hi peter, i have been searching for weeks on end for a solution to my project modelling , and i think you have it. I am making a spatial project involving tree like structures and branching forms, and i stumbled across your discussions here:

and also had a look at your files. i found the fuse fractal test you did with Tsplines was really what i needed, i intend to use it  in a similar as it is used here:

I would really appreciate it if you could coach me through how you generated the lines on GH. I hope to hear from you soon Thanks in advance


At 9:11am on December 5, 2014, said…

hi iwant to send my rhino model but size of file is 10 mg please give me a email

thanks so much

At 9:37am on November 15, 2013, spiral said…

beautiful and intricate work






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