
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Charles C Vincent
  • Male
  • São Paulo, SP
  • Brazil
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  • Allan Areano
  • Mariana Schetini Basso
  • djordje
  • Victor Sardenberg
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  • Gonçalo C. Henriques
  • Victor Calixto
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Universidade Mackenzie

Charles C Vincent's Blog

Spatial Truss (WIP): Knot selection

Knot selection routine completed.
Now, we can select each Top Knot by its Index Number and all lines arriving at it, for fabrication purposes.
Also, this will be usefull when the time come to bake geometry of a very large spatial truss.
We'll be able to bake knots one by one, avoiding the burden of baking hundreds of knots at once...


1. Do the same for the Base Knots
2. Do the same for each bar
3. Diagonal…

Posted on February 13, 2010 at 10:00am

Spatial Truss (WIP) next

Next steps:

1. Make each Apex height a function of the medium of Base Trusses.
2. Finish the Select/Bake mechanism for each knot: Each knot should be selectable together all lines arriving at it, for knot fabrication.

Posted on February 13, 2010 at 3:30am

Spatial Truss (WIP)

As part of an ongoing research on parametrics, this definition is our first attempt to understand the solution to an old problem in spatial structures.

What it does: from a set of curves (might be splines, straight lines or closed plines or splines) it generates a lofted surface, subdivides it into an U&V grid and constructs a spatial…

Posted on February 12, 2010 at 7:00am — 5 Comments

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At 3:01pm on November 28, 2010, djordje said…
I can not open your "Tetra.Tesselation.08.ghx". When I try to do this, I get this message:

[quote]Grasshopper Event Log


This document contains the messages that were recorded during the most recent Grasshopper® file read/write. Whenever a read/write operation fails or behaves unexpectedly, this summary will be compiled and put on display. If you experience problems saving or opening files, please include this log with any bug-report you file. You can use the Send... button to mail this report directly, or you can save the log and attach it to a personal email message. This log contains no personal information beyond what you supply, nor any other information that is not directly related to Grasshopper.

Developer contact

Message log start (chronological):

The remote name could not be resolved: ''

I am using Rhino 4.0 SR8, I tried to open your .gsx file using both Grasshopper 0.8 Revision 01 and 0.7 Revision 57, but in both cases I got the same upper message.

Where am I wrong?




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