algorithmic modeling for Rhino
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Added by Benjamin Golder 4 Comments 20 Likes
After running into the need to split up a big messy set of curves at all their intersection locations, I decided to make a python component.
Basically, if you input a bunch of curves, this component should find every place where they intersect and then split them up, return a list of curve pieces on a separate branch for each input curve.
It should be able to handle self intersections and overlaps.
Feel free to use it, edit the code, and let me know if…
ContinuePosted on July 1, 2012 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments
I've been working on an SVG export script using python, and it seems to be going well
Here's a live example:
if you want to view or download the code or example files, you can do so on…
ContinuePosted on February 27, 2012 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments
I just started a new github repo for sharing python scripts for Rhino and Grasshopper:
If you'd be interested in sharing scripts, please feel free to check it out (or fork it, as the case may be).
I'd love to share ideas about how to work with python in Rhino, using a shared repository. You can also fork it and edit the documentation, add examples,…
Posted on May 16, 2011 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments
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GhPython Workshop coming up this month. Tool developer Chris Mackey is teaching a live webinar titled - Making Your Own Python Components. More information and registration at
Hi Benjamin,
Your terrain models look great. I have been looking at the photo of your Mini-watershed terrain sculpting model which looks great, I was wondering how you did this?
Thanks! That's a lot of good info. Gonna take me a while to get through this, but I've got the whole semester. Gotta learn Python some, but what's another language?
Here's a link to the page where I post stuff for the class, if you want to check up on me later (not sure if it is a public site or not):
You said "In order to make a grasshopper component that reads shapefiles, I either have to convert all the shapefile reading code to C# or find a way to embed ironpython in a grasshopper component." Is this code something you can share? If so, I'd be interested in coverting it to VB and of course sharing that with everyone. Unless there is a technical reason that VB won't work.
Okay, I'm dropping you a line now. (a year later)
I'm just starting out a semester-long project involving geospatial data in general, but specifically using GH's computation to work with GIS and GPS. When we last spoke I had just been dabbling, but I've got serious interest in this now. I've not reviewed your work yet, but from a cursory glance, I think you might be doing some things I was looking at trying (importing shapefile data for one). I'm also interested in Google Earth's KML file format - have you played with that at all?
I'll go look at Finches and see what you're up to.
I feel collectively they might be a display of my undiagnosed ADD though.
I see you're in Berkeley. Had some friends that went there. Ate big pizza slices at that place on Telegraph, back in 92ish. I used to live down in San Luis Obispo. Really loved it there.
I did some exploration into urban geometries in general, and presented some lightweight concepts at the Cloud event, but I didn't actually dig into the GIS data. I was just using CAD files from the city engineering dept. I'd like to revisit some urban analysis issues in the future, as that sort of chaotic data set is very interesting to me.
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