
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Solid mesh lattice generated with Intralattice plugin

Views: 577


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Comment by Aidan K on December 6, 2015 at 10:58am

Maria, sorry for the late reply. We're currently extending functionality to honeycombs (extruded 2D polygonal cells), but haven't considered fully closed cellular structures. Could you give me an example of the type of structure you'd like to generate?

Unless what you mean is that Intralattice is already capable of this, in that case, no I was not aware. Could you show an example, I'm really curious.

Comment by Valentini Sarakinioti on October 27, 2015 at 5:48am

Dear Aidan,

I wanted to ask you if you are aware that intralattice is suitable also in creating closed cellular structures.Thank you in advance 

Kind regards 


Comment by Aidan K on September 21, 2015 at 8:32pm

Awesome! I didn't realize GH had a randomize component. Is this the effect your were looking for? Earlier this summer, I was looking into local randomization, where the node relationships (struts) in each cell are randomized - this would ensure that each cell has the same number of struts. This can become problematic for the meshing though, since mesh overlaps are harder to predict (i.e. results in a mesh that cannot be 3D printed). If you run into these kind issues, David Stasiuk's Cocoon plugin is phenomenal - I highly recommend it. It's not infallible, but its' definitely more robust (at a computational cost).

Comment by Kim hauer on September 19, 2015 at 9:31am

yikes! I answered my own question.

Comment by Kim hauer on September 18, 2015 at 5:26pm

Nice work!..... I was wondering, when you see the lattice in 3d in Rhino, could there be a way to delete random lattice intersections nodes & struts, after which a new lattice of the remaining intersections nodes & struts would be created? Or perhaps there is another way to create some randomness in the lattice connections.





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