
algorithmic modeling for Rhino




The discussions here are preserved for reference, but new questions posted here are likely to go unanswered.

Kangaroo is a Live Physics engine for interactive simulation, optimization and form-finding directly within Grasshopper.

Members: 3019
Latest Activity: on Saturday

You can read an introduction to the ideas behind Kangaroo here:

Kangaroo2 is now available for testing (see full announcement here). Please bear in mind this is still a work-in-progress, and features are still subject to change.

Kangaroo2 is now included with Rhino6, you do not need to install it separately.

You can download it for Rhino5 from here:

This thread contains some troubleshooting tips if you have problems getting it installed and working:

The main source of example files for the latest version is here:

Some further example files for version 2.0 can be found here:

with more to follow - if there is some particular feature you would like more examples of information on please ask there.

The Kangaroo2 solver library is now separate from the Grasshopper components, and can also be referenced and used in scripts, either in the GH VB/C#/Python components, or in RhinoScript/PythonScript in Rhino. Questions about these can also be posted on:

Kangaroo2 is a complete rewrite, and the main solver/goal/force components are not cross-compatible with the previous version. However, you can keep both versions installed together allowing older definitions to be opened, and for now this is recommended, as there are also several utility and mesh processing functions relevant to both versions.

While v2 introduces many new features and improvements, not all the features from the old version currently have equivalents in the new version, but the plan is to add them all over time.

The links below are for the old version. More documentation and videos for the new version to appear soon.

example files(for version 0.099):

manual(for version 0.099):

getting started video:

demo videos:

Some more tutorial videos from EXLAB:

Discussion Forum

My advice to beginners 1 Reply

When I first started gambling, I often ignored reading the rules and conditions. I thought everything would be clear once I tried it out. And yeah, it is clear, but if I had read the bonus wagering conditions, things would’ve been much easier, and…Continue

Started by Charlie Flint. Last reply by George Metters on Saturday.

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Comment by Jonas on June 23, 2020 at 11:39pm

I can't use power law component  in Kangaroo solver ,is there any equivalent  component for power law in Kangaroo solver?

Comment by Laurent DELRIEU on April 15, 2019 at 9:21am

Better post your question on :

Comment by Mohammadreza Ranjazmay on April 14, 2019 at 1:34pm

Hi, I can not find Kangaro phisics component in rhino 6. how can I create and install it?

Comment by jiayingfan on August 22, 2018 at 3:56am

i am a GH rookie,glad to learn more.

Comment by Gerard Guell on August 21, 2018 at 8:20am

Hello! Does anyone have any documentation on how to use the "support 6dof" elements?

I have created a little code consisting in two beams forming a right angle which is pulled at 45° from its vertex. To goal is just to get used with Kangaroo elements and so on.

For some reason I don't really understand, when using the support tool, the nodes act as they were not constrained and free movement occurs. To bench mark it, I have taken the same code and used the "anchor" elements instead and it works quite well, so I'm pretty sure there is an issue with the "support" element.

If someone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated it.


PD: Below I'm attaching the two files (one where I use anchors as end conditions and the other using "support" elements)

Comment by Alvaro Rodriguez Garcia on March 21, 2018 at 4:56pm

Hello everybody! I am having this problem,  I already installed Kangaroo 2.4.2 and the library appears in my GH canvas. However, it seems that a couple of components weren't loaded correctly or I don't know what happened or what can I do. 

Thank you so much 

Comment by Daming on February 25, 2018 at 7:51am

I have found that the interconnectPoints Component(Utility) may has some error, the interconnetctions may be not out put.

Comment by Mostafa Abd-El-Raouf Ahmed on November 29, 2017 at 12:22am
Guys i am new to kangaroo and kindda amateur too in grasshopper .. so i have a question .. how can i achieve a smooth mass to conform on two closed curves

My curves here :
And a simple loft is here to just see what I intend to do
Comment by Michael Pryor on November 28, 2017 at 7:06pm

@Valmir Kastrati  it is called "Length(Line)" in K2

Comment by Valmir Kastrati on November 28, 2017 at 4:52pm

Can anyone tell me which component in Kangaroo2 is "Springs" from Kangaroo 1?






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