
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



SpiderWeb is a .NET library providing functionality for preforming calculations on graphs. The library is created with a special focuse on the integration of graphs and graph related theroies (e.g. SpaceSyntax) in parametric design envoirnments. Therefore special Versions are avalible for:

DesignScript (planned)

Any feedback, questions or critic is welcomed.


General introduction into graph theory

Documentation and samples

.NET documentation for SpiderWebLibrary.dll and GH_SpiderWebLibrary.dll

Location: Vienna
Members: 261
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2023

Discussion Forum

Documentation and examples

Hello all.Do we have a link/backup or anything with documentation and examples on spiderweb?all links are downThank you in advance.Best IasonContinue

Started by Iason Giraud Feb 16, 2022.

Measuring Location Density with Spider Web 1 Reply

Hi!I would like to know if there is a way to measure in Spider Web the…Continue

Started by Md01. Last reply by Richard Schaffranek Dec 7, 2018.

can someone show me the definition 5 Replies

can someone show me the definition    and i cant find any example of spiderweb,can someone…Continue

Started by wiku. Last reply by Ukendt Kunstner Nov 3, 2018.

Shortest Path through 3D Mesh 2 Replies

Hi!I've been trying to come up with a definition that will allow me to make one continous polyline of mesh edges to allow me to print it with a 3d extruder on a robotic arm.I haven't used spiderweb…Continue

Started by Louise Wotton. Last reply by Louise Wotton Dec 7, 2017.

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Comment by asyimut on January 9, 2022 at 10:35

Hi Guys! I would like to use the idea of adjacency, closeness, betweenness of areas in order to decide on some dimensional parameters of my design. So, potentially I would feed the average shortest paths of each design topology as fitness measure into a genetic algorithm, and maybe Biomorpher. So let's say I subdivide the surfaces which occur below as iterations in Biomorpher and create a graph representation as routes and nodes. Do you know any heuristic which I can calculate the average shortest paths in such way? cheers!

Comment by JTT on September 13, 2018 at 22:30

I have tried, but it didn't work.

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on September 13, 2018 at 7:03

Should work, have you tried?

Comment by JTT on September 13, 2018 at 6:09

Hi Richard,

Sorry to ask can rhino6 install this plug-in? 

Comment by Andrés Tricnina on March 29, 2018 at 3:02

Is the link to examples removed? I thing the host was redisegnid and links work no more...:(

Comment by popi papa on January 17, 2018 at 8:07

Hey Richard, 

I am trying to open the links you suggest for literature study of the plug in, but they do not seem to work. Is there any alternative?

Kind regards, 


Comment by Jonathan Irawan on October 20, 2017 at 4:33

Hi Richard, Thanks for the plugin. 
I am catching up on all your papers as well as papers completed by Pirouz. I can't seem to access the previous documentations or links that was posted under the websites. Have they disabled or archived the access? I am in the process of developing a workflow or a potential tool for early phase brief analysis. 

Best Regards, 

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on September 22, 2016 at 6:52

If you take a closer look at the scriptum library there is an example there using BFS -> topologic shortest path in terms of space syntax

.NET documentation:

everything there is is what is under Documents section, no more no less sorry.

Again, brain dump...

If you are looking for a more complete library there is a python library for graphs but e.g. it misses spectral graph operations...

Comment by Tomas Vinkevicius on September 22, 2016 at 6:37

Thank you , I  see both representation of the graph and geometry within the components.

Would it be possible to get and example of shortest path in .NET?

Maybe you have a github where you share some of examples?

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on September 22, 2016 at 5:10

Don't understand, the display components are used in the example. they preview into rhino viewport. 

if you are asking for something like graph drawing you can use the eigensystem component to produce a somehow meaningfull drawing into rhino, please read:

Spiderweb is my personal brain dump so not everthing is there...


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