algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Octopus is a plug-in for applying evolutionary principles to parametric design and problem solving. It allows the search for many goals at once, producing a range of optimized trade-off solutions between the extremes of each goal.
Also see octopus.E for custom evolutionary algorithms.
Download the latest version on food4rhino
It is part of a range of tools developed at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and Bollinger+Grohmann Engineers.
Octopus introduces multiple fitness values to the optimization. The best trade-offs between those objectives are searched, producing a set of possible optimum solutions that ideally reach from one extreme trade-off to the other.
Based on SPEA-2 and HypE from ETH Zürich and David Rutten's Galapagos User Interface. Developed by Robert Vierlinger in cooperation with Christoph Zimmel, and Bollinger+Grohmann Engineers.
To install:
Some examples are provided here.
New commented examples and a brief manual are provided in the download of octopus on food4rhino.
Location: Vienna
Members: 460
Latest Activity: Dec 4, 2024
Hey all,I've been trying for hours to open the octopus window by clicking on it!(screenshot attached), the window isnt even minimized somewhere on the screen, i searched a lot.I removed it and copied…Continue
Started by fares. Last reply by BerniceKDaniels Mar 20, 2024.
Hello everyone,very new to grasshopper, I want to repeat a process taking place on a grid multiple times using a Loop. I did it using the Anemone Loop which was great and easier for me to understand,…Continue
Tags: octopusloop
Started by Theodora Georgopoulou. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Jan 22, 2024.
Below is a schematic of what I want to do, namely:Trigger a solver like Octopus or Galapagos from within a definition (not by double-clicking the component), run the solver for a fixed number of…Continue
Tags: loop, optimization, evolutionary, Galapagos, Octopus
Started by Max Marschall. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Dec 18, 2023.
hi every oneI'm armature whit octopus, i want set fitness value a specific number (like Galapagos that we can set any number as fitness), how can i do this?thanksContinue
Started by mohsen.m.kashavar. Last reply by realsandwich Oct 24, 2022.
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Hi Octopus users,
I've been using Octopus in several problems, trying to test many possibilities, and I end up with many GH files exceeding 200 Mo, which are hard to manipulate.
Is there any mean to compress/reduce gh files size ?
Is there any technique to store the data out of octopus and re-load it if needed ?
For the moment, I am deleting genetical history I don't need, and deleting outer solutions. I also reduced the population size when the big population is diverse enough, of course trying to maintain diversity. But I don't think I will get a good set of solutions in the end.
Thanks for any clue, any help, any direction toward which I should seek !
A WIP-version of the looping component used in octopus.E is now available as an explicit loop, with the same functions as Anemone, a bit less well to use but much faster [up to 1000 times due to internal calculation]:
Hello Robert Vier, hope you are doing great
I have a little serious problem, my optimization collapsed at the11th generation, where it should continue till 15 generation. The octopus saved my last 10 generations "no problem about that" but corrupted my 11th, any way I can start from generation 10 and re continue my optimization process , THANKS IN A MILLION
I have another conern my simulation does not go far than ZERO generations .. Despite i made it 3 and population size 4 .. just as a test ... Could you think what might be the problem !
I have a question concerning EVALPOOLSIZE ... what does determine its values.. i made population size 4 and max number of generation is 3 ... does the values of these parameters affect it !.. I really don't understand it clearly
Thanks in advance
Ok (Y) , Thanks a lot :)
you are in generation 0. The graphs will be shown in the next ones.
Hello Robert, Hope everything is great with you, I have a little problem that the Convergence Graphs and Hypervolume Graph don't appear in the optimization process ... I designed an office unit with a shading element. The parameters are the geometrical properties of the shading element. The targeted performance is DAYLIGHT AUTONOMY, PMV AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION , I used DIVA for that. So What do you think might be the problem.
P.S. when I run the GH files came with the OCTOPUS . it works just fine and both graphs appear. Thanks in advance
Thanks Robert!
works with the latest version, too!
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