
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all , 

I'm working hardly to finish my master's thesis , but stuck in the case study's energy simulation . I'm trying to have air temperature charts of building zones & don't have problem with the main building but when I'm connecting the outer kinetic facade the simulation stops as in the attached pic .

I made the outer facade as a zone as a first trail  & couldn't have results . and made as shading device as second trail but can't have results also . so I need to know what is the problem with my file ? 

note : 

I need to have results when the facade closed & 50% opened & 100%opened . so it's important to make the outer facade a part of the main building . 

 If any one can help me so please find attached my case study file .& Thank you In advance :)


Mona Rezq 

Views: 1256


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Hi Mona. The image shows that simulation is running fine. There is no errors. The reason that it takes very long is probably the complex geometry of your shading which generates so many mesh faces. EnergyPlus is not really designed to handle so many shading faces. Is there a way that you can simplify the shading geometry?

Hi Mostapha , 

Thank you for your reply , actually it's a breathing facade it will be opened and closed according to air temperature and volume needed inside the main building , I'll try to simplify it and test it a gain .

regards , 


Hi Mostapha , 

I tried to have a smaller model and less units in shading device , but Unfortunately had the same problem " the energy simulation stopped " . check the file attached if you don't mind .

Thanks ,  



Hi Mona,

Hi Mostapha , 

hope you are well , I want to know what's the problem with my file . 

I appreciate your contentious help , Thank you 


Oops! For some reason my comment didn't go through. I asked if you can share with me the idf file since it will take a very long time for me to open your gh file on my laptop.

Never mind Mostapha :) , plz find attached the IDF file after editing the facade I tried to reduce the number of the units of the kinetic Facade.


& here you will find the IDF file of the building after making it more simple . 



Your rar file can be accessed.

Can you upload the plain idf or maybe as zip?


Thanks Abraham , I deleted the gh files and you can find the IDF as a rar files .


Hi Mona,

The rar file still can't be accessed. I know ning doesn't support rar, so try zipping the files.



I checked your GH file and the context geometry is almost completely enclosing zone geometry.  So you are either going to get an energy model with no solar gains (in which case you might as well make a model without windows) and/or you will get a severe warning that your context geometry is intersecting your zone geometry.  Generally, I am not sure what you are tying to simulate here.

Also, your context geometry consists of 1701 individual surfaces so, even if the context geometry made sense in relation to the zones, you can't expect the simulation to finish in under an hour.  You should question how much geometric detail you really need to simulate your case accurately.  A different version of this context geometry with fewer polygons is going to have virtually exact the same performance as what you have here.







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