
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mostapha, and everyone!


I simulated some days and hours using ladybug e honeybee and I set São Paulo epw.

So, the december is the summer and june winter. The corectly result would be december, march, september, june.

I did two kind of simulation. The first one - just one hour 10h and then 15:30. The second, 10:00 to 15:30h. I think that's something wrong with the results kWh/m² because the biggest values for radiation, are for winter. And the results simulation 10:00 to 15:30h the result are different too, the biggest values for winter (june), then september, march, and them december (summer)


The results are (kWh/m²)

10:00h           15:30h     10 to15:30h

21/03 0,69      1,15        2,61

21/06 1,14      1,13        3,71

23/09 0,96      0,90        2,79

21/12 1,31      1,22        2,45


I will be very gratiful with your answer I'm using this software to a important academic work, and in my Country Its not commom use this software, I don't know anyone that could help me with this. I'd like to encourage university start to use this kind of software.


Thank you




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Completely agree with Sarith.

Radiation and temperature are not the same.

If the checking is on a specific geometry, there is some logic that in winter time you get MORE radiation in south (north, in Brasil). The reason is simple: the sun is lower and more perpendicular to the wall.

I've been doing some tests so you can get this picture better. See radiation roses for your 4 analysis period. You see there that in june (your winter) the radiation is higher than in june for the north facade (you can also see there the amount of diffuse and direct).

I also added some basic geometry to illustrate the orientation influence. You see there the same as in the roses.

I'm sure that after this you'll be more clear in the topic.



I understood your point and agree too. But in this argument "sun is lower and more perpendicular to the wall" June has more radiation on the wall, then September/march and then December. In addition, this really make sense. (But didn´t happen on this way with my results)

I did table and graphic (with numbers results for colors variations – red to blue) to expose better what is my point.

Looking radiation roses, the sequence - September, June, December and March (my results to 10:00h) is similar what happened to direct radiation.

The sequence March, December, June and September, is similar what happened with diffuse radiance. (My results to 15:30h)

Then the period 10:00 to 15:30h is similar to the graphics diffuse radiance too.

So I’m thinking what’s happening with my results, has more relation with radiation diffuse or direct (radiation roses), then with sun position. Because on this way March and September would be similar radiation. Do you agree? Is it correctly?

If this argument proceed, I did not found any theory that says that on the morning has more direct radiance or in the evening has more diffuse radiance. Do you know where these climate information are taken? To know if are reliable!

Thank you very much


The source of the weather files can be found here.







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