
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Chien,

I checked your 'Getting Started with Honeybee and OpenStudio' video at youtube (Cheers, thanks for bringing that videos out to the community!), and recreate the setup in my computer to run a simulation, this was I got:

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Hi Alejandro. This is a question for Chien Si but before he gets back to you I wanted to make sure that you are using the latest version from Github. He is updating the components frequently these days.

Hi Mostapha,  yes, I updated to the latest version before the run.

Hi Alejandro-

Thanks for taking an early stab at this. It looks like you have an old version of either the Air Handler component. For some reason, line 412 in the openstudio component thinks that the HVACDetails of the zone should have a dictionary with key "availabilityManagerList", but the HVACDetails that you passed to it, does not have that key in its dictionary.

I write this just in case you are interested in knowing more about the inner workings of the components. All the components pass information to one another as a dictionary of sorts, so the fact that the OpenStudio component can't find the key, means that the upstream component did not pass a dictionary with the key.

On my computer, everything is of course working great. I possibly did not update this component in honeybee and so it may have been my fault. I have updated the component on Github, with today's date (March 04, 2015).

It should be working just fine, if you update. If you are still having problems, I can send you an example file that is exactly the same as the one you've used in your example.

Hi again Chien,

Yes for the explanation of the underlying issue, it makes it clear.

I´ve running some tests with the updated component and the simulations are running ok now :)

Yet a new hurdle I encountered is that the 'Read EP Result' cannot find the csv file with the results. I checked the file path and they don´t appear to be there as if the simulation hadn´t run.

Do you have any thoughts on that?




Hi again Chien,

Hey I went back to the issue of retreiving the results from a "5.Packaged VAV w/Reheat" run I had in the past, and I´m still not getting a CSV with the results from the simulation.

Do you have an idea of what might be going on (I working with the latest updates)?





Hi Alejandro,

Is this issue solved. If not I would submit it as an issue to github so Chris can take a look. He is the one who developed the results reader.


Hi Mostpha,

The issue is still unresolved. Here I attach the definition with the latest LBHB version.

If further information is needed please let me know.




Thanks Alejandro! I added it here ( so Chien Si can get back to you soon. Sorry for the delay!

Great, I´ll stayed tuned!








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