
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Example files

edit 29/04/14 - Here is a new collection of more than 80 example files, organized by category:

This zip is the most up to date collection of examples at the moment, and collects together a wide variety of definitions made for various workshops and in response to forum questions. Thanks to all workshop attendees and forum members for your valuable input.

It is possible I've missed a few useful ones. If there is something else you'd like to see included please let me know

The examples below are mostly older, but I will leave them here for now until I am certain all the same topics are adequately covered in the 'official' collection above.


Showing how the trail component can be used to trace the motion of moving particles





The wind component acts on sets of 3 points (typically each the vertices of each face of a triangulated mesh). It applies a force to each vertex, proportional to its area multiplied by the projection of the wind velocity vector onto the triangle normal.




CurvePull - Pulls particles onto a curve. This can be either a hard or soft constraint. Useful for fixing the boundary curves of tensile surfaces, yet allowing the nodes to slide along that boundary.




The Vortex component rotates one particle about an axis defined by 2 points.





Align Pulls two line segments towards being parallel.




Planarize takes 4 points and pulls them towards being coplanar


Planarity measures how planar a quad defined by 4 points is (it returns the shortest distance between the two diagonals).



Equalize adjusts a set of lines towards having equal length (it finds their average length, then treats each line as a spring with this as the rest the length). This demo shows how it can be used to make a quadrilateral circular (the 4 vertices lie on a common circle). Meshes made up of circular quads have a constant distance vertex-vertex offset mesh. (see



Laplacian acts on a central vertex, and its ring of neighbouring vertices. It finds the average position of the neighbours, and moves the central vertex towards this point. It also divides the same force up between the number of neighbours, reverses it and applies it to each of them. When applied to each vertex/set of surrounding neighbours of a mesh, this smooths it.




Shear pulls a particle towards the plane normal to a given line (or to a given height above that plane). It could be useful for example if you wanted to restrict some of the vertices of a mesh to match a plane for glazing lines, or in self-organizing particle systems if you want them to form surfaces not just clusters.




(also requires WeaverBird)

This demo shows how several forces can be combined to optimize different properties of a mesh. Sliders control the relative strengths of the Laplacian smoothing and Planarization forces.

A shear component keeps the base vertices on the ground plane but allows them to move around on it (Using the shear component here is quicker than constraining to a mesh).

The colours display how planar each quad of the mesh is.

It can sometimes be effective to use high smoothing/low planarization values to begin with and get a nice smooth form, then lower the smoothing and raise the planarization for the fine adjustments to get it within manufacturing tolerances.





Equilateralization - This shows how equalization of mesh triangle edge lengths can be combined with smoothing to create a pseudo-physical material that reacts to manipulation of the anchor points

This shows how the Hinge force can be used to keep the angle between faces of a mesh at a particular angle.

This takes a flat mesh, and a choice of which lines will be valley folds, and which ones mountain folds, and folds it into 3d. (Inspired by Tomohiro Tachi's rigid origami simulator)

Shows how to use solids (Breps or Meshes) as collision volumes and drape a simple fabric over them


You can also download an earlier collection of example files here:

(some of these may need slight changes and updating - I'll be trying to go through these over the next few days and make sure they are all compatible with the latest version. Also - many of them also require the WeaverBird plugin)


There is also a collection of links to further example files and helpful discussions here:

update: here's another example for the vortex force: 

more example files to follow soon...


You need to be a member of Kangaroo to add comments!

Comment by Tri Leo Bayu on April 4, 2019 at 11:54pm

hey guys, i wondering how this waterbomb origami can form a dome-like shape? like this one

but my model i just stuck at folding. when it is folding, it keep moving 360-directional in slow motion and have flat top

What shoud i do to make like a dome, what tools do i need?
i appreciate any help, 
thank you

Comment by riccardo foschi on November 24, 2016 at 3:53pm

Thanks! now it works fine!

Comment by ng5 Alex on November 24, 2016 at 1:02pm

these are from weaverbird plugin.

Comment by riccardo foschi on November 24, 2016 at 12:54pm

I have the same problem Yannick!
I think we are missing a node that from a plug-in, does anyone know which plug-in contain these two nodes?? or at least what they do?

Comment by Yannick van der Burgh on June 10, 2016 at 7:08am

When I open the Origami_example file the part which "keeps any quads planar, and prevents them shearing" doesn't have any input in the Explode function. Is there any way to fix this?

Comment by XU GUANG on July 29, 2015 at 9:57am

Hi guys, I am really new to kangaroo and grasshopper. I have checked the, and what I am doing is to apply another type of mesh and try to have a different result. But there exist some problems I cant figure out. As follow is my new mesh and the wrong shown from grasshopper. Could anyone help please !!

Comment by mohamadmahdi on February 20, 2015 at 1:23am

the zip file is corrupted i think so :/

Comment by Rémy Maurcot on November 26, 2014 at 10:30am

Hi Daniel,

Is possible to have this example on this vidéo:


Comment by Will Pearson on October 10, 2014 at 6:19pm

Eddie, as the error message suggests, these examples were created with earlier versions of Grasshopper than the one that you have installed. Without opening Daniel's examples, in my experience this error is usually not fatal. What happens when you dismiss the error window?

Comment by Eddie Winn on October 9, 2014 at 6:26pm

Hey guys,

I get the same error message for all of them.




Comment by Daniel Piker on July 30, 2014 at 4:42am

shwok - you need the Weaverbird plugin to open that file. You can get it here:

Comment by shwok on July 30, 2014 at 4:14am

Thank you for your example files! I tried opening the file for Equilaterilization and I got the following error messages. Any idea how I can make it work?

Thank you!

Comment by Sumeet Kumar on July 20, 2014 at 6:49am

Thanks for the example files.

It was really a struggle in understanding Kangaroo.

But this s very resourceful. 


Comment by Daniel Piker on May 3, 2014 at 6:50am

Hi Duncan and Rebecca, I just updated the shell and plate example above. Andrea - I'll have a look for those old self organization definitions and see if they can be updated for the current version. Regarding origami simulation, the examples in the origami folder in the zip at the top of the page are the most up-to-date.

Comment by Duncan W on May 2, 2014 at 11:19am

I get the same problem as Rebecca Rusinow with the shell and plate example. Was hoping it would be updated after your announcement but the problem remains. Think you'd have time to look into this?

Comment by Andrea Rossi on April 7, 2014 at 3:48am

Hi Daniel,

I am searchign frot he old examples on self-organization of different shapes that you posted quite a long time ago (, but for some reason I could not find them, or I could not make the one I found to work with the new Kangaroo version.

It would be great if somebody could post something or point me to where I could get them.

Thank you.

Comment by Brian Sudduth on March 26, 2014 at 10:41am

Did anyone answer Sarah Jean Roberts's question about the  I am having the same issue and would love some help if possible.

Comment by Rebecca Rusinow on March 16, 2014 at 6:48pm


I'm trying to figure out a way to model objects using only equilateral triangles, with triangle edges touching (no gaps.)  Ideally I'd like to be able to manipulate the shape by moving vertices and having the entire surface adjust while maintaining equilateral triangles.  The closest solutions I've come across are the equilateralize and shell and plate examples for Kangaroo (images below), but I don't think the definition in the equilateralize demo will work because I don't always want 6 triangles around each vertex (I want a range from 4 to 7.)  The shell and plate example seems more promising, but when I open it in rhino/GH it says the C# component is old, and the code is missing.  Also, the shapes I'm trying to model are much less spherical than the mesh in the demo, so I'm not sure if that method will work anyway.  I'm also posting an image of some physical models that show what I'm going for.

Any advice would be much appreciated!



Comment by Danny Boyes on November 25, 2013 at 8:45am

There are two file formats for Grasshopper Binary (*.gh) and XML (*.ghx) They are both opened with grasshoppper in the same way

Comment by khaleefa Al hemli on November 25, 2013 at 8:36am

hello i am wondering how can I use ghx files ive never used the before can some one please guid me thanks all





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