
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have been using Gismo regularly and all was very helpful. Big shouts to the team.
Today I try to use an example file and this happens.

I have reinstalled MapWinGis and Gismo in vain.

Would anyone know the reason for this?


Views: 734

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Olivier,

Can you please save and attach the file that you are using?

Djordje, Thanks for replying.  I tried to upload the gh file here and it seems to be a permission issue. 

Hi Olivier,
Can you attach/upload the .gh file from some other PC?

I could not upload the previous file which I downloaded first through the desktop github.
I have downloaded the one I attach now from the github web directly and have reproduced the same error as in my initial post.

Would be very grateful if you could give it a quick check.



Hi Olivier,

Everything works fine when I open your .gh file and run it:

I am wondering if the message that you get in your first post actually has something with permissions on your PC. Gismo deletes, and creates a couple of files during its run. I am thinking if this can be the issue, as your PC is not allowing this to happen which somehow results in creation of files which are invalid. Then Gismo recognizes this invalid files as empty, and then you get the initial message.
Is that your office PC? You do not have administrator's rights on it?

Hi Djordje,

Many thanks!
It is my personal computer on which I have admin rights. I have been using Gismo on this machine successfully until this time.
Would you know how to go around this issue?

Okay. But when you tried to upload the .gh file you got the permissions error on that same your personal computer?

Yes indeed.

Since then, I have re-downloaded the example file from github and the same error on grasshopper occured, though I was able to upload it on this forum..

Hope this answers your question.

Thank you for the reply Olivier,

That is indeed very strange. Your administrator right shouldn't raise this kind of permissions error, even when you try to upload a .gh file. So I actually do not know what to advise.

Try maybe to delete the "c:\gismo" folder, close Rhino/Grasshopper. Then open them again, and open any of the Gismo .gh example files. This will recreate the "c:\gismo" folders and its subfolders. Close Rhino/Grasshopper again, and try setting the permissions for "c:\gismo" folder and all its subfolders, according to the screenshot in this reply.

Then try setting the same permissions for your "c:\dev\MapWinGIS" and "c:\dev\MapWinGIS\gdal-data" folders.
Open the Rhino/Grasshopper and again try any of the Gismo .gh example files.


Big thanks. The solution was to delete the gismo folder entirely and all went back to normal.
Big thanks for your time and help.

Kind regards,

Hi Olivier,
The "c\gismo" folder should contain some of the downloaded openstreetmap files (among other data). Once you run the "OSM shapes" component it is suppose to actually delete those openstreetmap files corresponding to that location.
The fact that deleting the "c:\gismo" folder manually solved your issue, can suggest that for some reason the "OSM shapes" component was unable to delete this files. This can suggest that maybe there is something really wrong with your permissions of the "c:\gismo" folder, and/or its subfolders.
If the error appears again, try all the steps from my last reply.
Have a nice weekend!






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