algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I'm trying to make an ETFE facade using the Geometry Gym 'generate tessellation' function. Can somebody tell me how exactly to change the shape and organization of the default tessellation? What sort of input does the function want in the 'tessellation type', 'tessellation nature', and 'tessellation arrange' parameter?
Hi Josh,
A couple of suggestions to help. If you right click on the input, you'll find a combo box option to set the input. Here's a screen capture. Note if the menu extends off the control, the selection is lost (David did help get some advise on how to resolve this, I'll look it up and try and fix it), for the time being use the up/down keys and enter keyboard button if the desired selection is the last (or first).
You'll find some blog posts with sample models etc here: and there are a couple of other examples on this ning if you search.
I'm happy to help further,
Hi Jon,
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm wondering: would you be able to tell me why the mesh is inflating in two different directions in my case? Also, is there any way to create a custom tessellation to input into the 'tessellation type' parameter?
Can someone post the Tessellation plug in please ?
I cant seem to find any link to download it over the internet. Can someone help me please !
It's included in the GeometryGym BullAnt plugin -->
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