
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Hi Jon,

I was wondering if there is a way that the stress values at the nodes of the false colour meshes can be accessed in Grasshopper?

Perhaps using UTO's add attributes component or something like that?

I want to use the stress values at the nodes to drive material distribution. 

Right now I'm using the lengths of the principal stress crvs to drive the distribution but it would be nice to be able to use the values from the analysis meshes.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly apreciated.

all the best,



Hi Matt,


I've attached an example model showing stress extraction from an analysis model using Oasys GSA.  Similar can be done (with some small improvements) from SAP, SpaceGASS and probably Robot.  Note I advise to update to the latest GSA as I just found "Average Stress" results are being extracted by default.  



I'm happy to advise further on applying this to your own models if needed.  If the original model is not generated in GH, there are also possibilities of still processing results. Grasshopper model attached.






Views: 1238


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Hey Jon,

I have tried to open this example file, but the GSA solver gives an error. I wanted to use this example file to see how I could use display shell stresses on a mesh generated by Kangaroo. Hopefully you can explain me why it is giving me an error.

Best Ton

P.s. Do I need to have GSA open when I want to analyse the mesh, or does the solver component in Grasshopper forces GSA to open. 


Hi Ton,

You can see the orange components, one to create a list of elements which is missing a name input.  So no loads are being applied to the model, and GSA is not able to solve.  Note now, most load inputs you can apply a property as per attached.

You don't have to have GSA running prior to model exchange, but it will start as a background process and you won't be able to manually interrogate the application as you can if it is already running.

Hope it helps,








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