
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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I simply cant figure out how to load .ghuser files. I know it must be stupidly simple but I am at a loss. 


Views: 21144

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Hi Joe,

there is a User Object folder somewhere on your disc, you can open this location via the Grasshopper File->Special Folder menu item. You should also be able to just drag the ghuser file into Grasshopper. It will then be copied to the User Object folder and loaded in the toolbar.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David. what you describe somehow doesn´t work in my case. If I drag or open via Special Folder, nothing at all happens. Is there anything but GH must be installed?

I later also tried to choose a standard programm for ghuser files, hoping that it´ll work and accidentally choose the ghviewer. And now I can´t undo this, because I have no Idea what is the right application to choose.

Please help!

Doesn't really matter what application you have associated with it because nothing will open them from Explorer anyway.

just drag the ghuser file into Grasshopper

The target location of your drag and drop is the Canvas.

... maybe it sounds stupid, but dragging of the ghuser file on the canvas doesn´t work. :( nothing happens  (in rhino5+newest GH)

... ah, O.K., I think I found the answer here I should check the "user" tab after the dragging

thank you





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