
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi again.

i just switched to gh 07.

galapagos seems great!!

i'm working on a weaire phelan structure

this structure uses two types of geometry

Tetrakaidecahedron and Dodecahedron, wich have different kind of faces, hexagons and pentagons (Tetrakaidecahedron) and only pentagons (Dodecahedron)

With galapagos is quite easy to test different types of unions, but i have just been able to connect Tetrakaidecahedron with Tetrakaidecahedron, or Dodecahedron with Dodecahedron.

When i try to use both geometries, galapagos tries to connect hexagons and pentagons, so some unions wont work at all.

I think i have to list out hexagons so they onley connect with hexagons, but i have not been able to do it using galapagos

here you can find what i have at the moment

any advice is appreciated.



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Are you sure file you uploaded saved correctly? because when I open it there is no input to the fitness function except the constant '13'.
As far as I can tell 13 is already pretty well optimized for thirteen-ness ;)
hi daniel
yes the constant is 13, i'm still learning-exploring galapagos
my guess was that 13 was related to 13 faces of the object so galapagos would iterate considering the amouint of faces
i think i'm wrong
looking at galapagos i saw this

this is why i applied my thirteen-ness
im not sure what component i should plug to fitness
any help would be highly appreciated far as i can see....takes gh to another level
The fitness needs to come from the outcome of the genome sliders, then galapagos tries to maximize it. Hang on and I'll find an example
Okay, here's a quick one.
It tries to move the points around so that their regions are of equal area.
Hi Mario,

I'm not sure exactly what you want to achieve with Galapagos, but my plug-in StructDrawRhino might give you a head start (I know I'd advised you of it before). I've programmed a few tessellation routines, including Weaire Phelan. Beijing WaterCube is the best known design using this tessellation, you can download my Grasshopper definition for this frame from

I'm happy to help further if needed.


Hey Daniel
Thanks so much for your definition...that was quick!
Looking at your example, i understand that galapagos tries to generate even areas?
So in my case it will try to connect surfaces with the same area?
One question regarding your document....why are you using the number 33.3333, conected to the fxn component?
And what is s in the formula?
Sorry but my math skills are awfull.
I'm uploading a revised version.
i hope you can check it out, since i see some components overlaping.
Jon, this is what i'm trying to achive

This was done by Aranda Lasch.
And yes your plugins is great, actually i used it to generate a Tetrakaidecahedron and Dodecahedron, i was too lazy to draw them myself.
But what i need right now is to explore all the possible connections between those geometries.
Remember we talked about it?...I thought C.A. (rabbit) might be a way, but i have failed to achive that.
Thanks a lot to both of you!!
Hi Mario,

I'm sure you can achieve a similar result if you can define the path you'd like to generate the polygons along. I've attached a sample, best to use Rhino v5 (it has an improved intersector). If you've suggestions or ideas, I'm happy to hear them.



Hi! I was checking the files but for some reason (that I've no idea) can't see the whole definition, there's only a curve and pipe components. Do u know why?
[Rhino 4 GH 7]
you need to download STRUCTURAL DRAWING TOOLSET plugin
Hi Roberto, I just responded to your comment on the image shown above. Mario can attest that there is particular problems with loading my grasshopper plug-ins in 64 bit windows (and even on some computers with 32 bit windows), but we have always got it working following the instructions I set out there.

I'll help further if you have no luck.








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