
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The Unroller script  has been reworked from scratch. And is a lot more reliable with Brep input. As well the placement of the unrolled surfaces works a lot better now.

The script has turned into a userobject. You need to place the .ghuser file in the UserObject folder of Grasshopper (File - Special Folders - User Object Folder). Thats all, after drop you can use it without a restart of GH or Rhino.

Contact me if you have some question or for bug reports.


Views: 33774


Replies to This Discussion

Cool, thanks!

Hi Florian, thanks for posting. I'm trying the unroll script but I am getting errors with the unrolled surface. Maybe a problem with flipped surface normals...?

I've also tried the python unroll component but it only gave me the error "more than one surface resulted from unroll"


Hi Tyler,

The results shown on your picture seem to have the same problems as i got some times. Try to unroll them manually once...i think you 'll get the same result. If so, rebuild the surface before you unroll. I don't know why this you have to ask the guys from McNeel i think they're still working on the unroll algorithm.

If the rebuild workaround doesn't work you can post a sample file so i can take a look at it.

Good work Florian

Hi Florian, Thanks a lot for sharing this, it is really helpful.

I just was wondering what is the "offset" input working like. I don't seem to manage to have the unrolled surfaces spaced according to this value.

Thanks again, 


Sorry, Just found your reply on Cat's page, I'll try and paste your new piece of code and I'll let you know how does it work.


Yep, That works just fine. Thanks 


Cool, i know i have to work it out new. it did work a long time ago. hopefully i got time during next weeks so i'll make a new post with a more sophisticated offsetting.

Cheers FF




Was using this def to great and joyful effect, then got temporarily bumped back to Rhino 4 due to office cpu changes...  Don't ask why...  Anyhow, what's keeping this from working in 4?  It's calling out line 108 or 109, and the namespace name 'Unroller' not existing in 'Rhino.Geometry', but the unroll tool has been in the Rhino platform for years...  I'm not a VB expert, obviously, but it seems strange that this def wouldn't work in 4...  What am I missing? 

Hi Dorian,

these errors are normal in R4. Because there is no Unroller class in R4. Due to RhinoCommon is only for R5, unfortunately there is no option to have scritping access to unroll methods in R4.

GH for R4 had a special build of the RhinoCommon library, that was built in order to work GH for R4 and R5 at the same time. Obviously they didn't port every stuff to that special build, only the necessary stuff to get GH to work. :-(

So there is no option. You might have to install the Rhino5 evaluation beside to R4.

Best regards


hello frank,

nice tool, really like the feature that you can unroll crvs/pts with the srfs - but is this meant to work also with breps (polysurfaces). it always give me an error back when i input a brep..

thanks, chris  






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