
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys
I have been trying to make a definition that makes a dynamic facade like the one on the image

I startet just with one singele unit to try to make it work and then jummp into making all those diferetn pattern possible. so far my problem is that I cant make both joints move together. take a look of my definition and tell me if anybody can find a way to make ot work or improve it

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you are moving the wrong thing. Lets say point C is the start of the line, and point D the end of the line (connected to pt B). B Needs to be a polar point about D...B needs to have an arc or circle which defines the motion of the joint...this arc must intersect the line between C and D and will give you point A...check out mechanical linkages...
reference a pt and try this...sorry its messy, I did it quickly...

this is what you are talking about? the definition add this but it was just hiden.
what do you mean with "B Needs to be a polar point about D" sorry about my ignorance
but I dont understand what do you mean with that.
please take a look of the definition your healp will be appreciated
did you look at the definition I posted?
I am going to check it out right now thanks for helping man!
Here is a little video that shows the movement of the mechanical linkage
but I need the point A to follow the point B
how do I this?
Luis Fraguada thanks so much I just saw you def (by the way I had to download the latest grasshopper) and try to undestand some new thing to me that you have in you def.
I will take a look of it later and try to understand how it works thanks so much though if I develop something better I will show you or maybe ask for your help again :P
take care good luck
Hola Francisco.
Aqui te envio una definicion que baje hace un par de meses.
No la escribi yo, pero la encontre por hay en la web.
Espero que te ayude.
Francisco / Luis.....xq se escriben en ingles????....jejejeje
Creo que la primera def. te va a servir mas....puedes linkearla a una crv dibujada en rhino.
The point of speaking in english is that everybody can understand, use, ask or whatever without the need of a translator. This is a international forum, and it's both ways good to be understodd by everybody and understand everybody!

Should I write in catalan?
Have I been very rude or its just me?

I have to apologize, was a bad reaction, sorry. I've been claustered in my room for too long, lost in laberintic forests of fancy wires and every day more cool components...

no et preocupis, és bo sortir a veure el sol de tant en tant ..... salutacions






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