
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how to generate the effect of the first image ??? is it different from the other two? needed very urgenly. thank you guys!!! if you have the script could you plz upload it ? if not plz tell me the hints to make that expecially the first one. thx~

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Yes it is different. Waves 2 & 3 are based on closest source. The wave-function at a specific point is defined by the nearest generator. The image on the left looks like it has interference, meaning all wave generators contribute to the wave function at any given point.

It's actually easier to do 1 as you just have to add together all partial waves to get the final result.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

thanks for replying me,but it is still not very clear for me, plz forgive that my english is not that good, how to add together all partial waves? thx~

seems that youve already know,can you tell me how to do that?

thank you all the same

This shows how to create an interference effect. The Mass Addition component is key.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


i will have a look at that right now!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way, you are so fast!!!...THX very much.


I really like how this definition works but I am wondering how I could apply this same effect to a geometry such as a sphere. Is that possible? And is it possible to make it into a NURBS object? 


And nearest neighbour effect.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria


thank you very much!!! i learn from your script a lot!!! thank you very much

It is this definition. I just made the sine wave very dense I believe.

btw you should credit images you post;)

i saw the definition before,but could made it,,o !!! i forgot...sorry. next time i would remenber that, thank you very much~






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