algorithmic modeling for Rhino
hey guys!
is something like this possible with grasshopper/kangaroo?
i want to process a list of values and arrange them by size, show their wheight and in the right proportion on a defined area.
here is the dynamic page:
Please help me out! i dont know where to start.
thank you!
Interesting challenge.
Got few time. Sorry, not sufficient descriptions :P
I've used an iterative method > anemone plug-in... To load my .gh you'll need it.
Results are not "cool" as in the site of your link.
Tweaks needed.
You can maybe use this as a start.
If you have more info about how this graph should work, write it here.
You'r opening post is a bit "minimal"... (too much "How-to-do-this-pic.")
Good luck!
I see the logic you aim to.
I've tought of that... fill x > fill y > x > y > x > y > etc
But thinking about that: with an extremely wide rectangle this wouldn't work well.
x,y,x,y sequence can be done only after the starting rectangle is "shrinked" to a squared-like rectangle. And "shrinking" will be done with a x,x,x,x or y,y,y,y sequence... automated..
I'll follow this instead: "place squares on the shortest side of the remaining rectangle to fill".
Should be similar enough to what you have said.
Here, done.
Edited method logic as said and fixed some bugs.
Seems good.
Added some description panels.
Tell if something still unclear or if you want to change core algorythm logic.
EDIT: my first solution, instead, somehow have pros and cons: it were "selecting" side to work depending of how well the new rectangles would fit, making them more squared-ish in total, but with the last (or lasts) "rows" suffering for all the job done to other rows before...
With version 2 here, "errors" (as not being a perfect square) are "spreaded" to all rectangles, instead procrastinating most of it at the end...
Probably with pure (deep(deeper)) math, a better solution could exists...
The "algorythm" i've used here "watch" only a bit of work at time, not the whole.... thus, it's impossible this is the best solution. (Maybe :D )
fixed a bug (big one)
Areas are correct now.
thank you so much!
excellent work!
Hi Riccardo.
This is a really cool script! it is almost what i am going for, however in another context. I have tried for some time now to alter your script so I would be able to control the placement of the different sizes of rectangles according to an attractor line og point, but wit out luck. Do you have any thoughts of how this could be implemented?
Hi Mikkel.
What you described is somehow "generic".
Can you post some hand drawings of what you need?
Like: "with this input (pic) i want this output (pic)"...
so I/we can understand you better.
I think somehow the solution/definition will be far different...
This one is too much "orthogonal" to work with curves...
Right. I made this post earlier today.
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