
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Up to today, I think there is no direct implementation or 'component' in GH of the Perlin Noise function. I wonder if anyone has tryed to program it via script or clusters. Anyway, it might be a nice further addition to GH.

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There's a perlin noise graph mapper, and I'm fairly sure you can access a PerlinGraph class via scripting.
Giulio has written a perlin and simplex noise components, he'll make these public sometime in the future in the meantime send me an email.



in the Grasshopper scripting on RhinoCommon here at McNeel Europe I teach to program a component that does this, in C# and Vb.Net. Grasshopper contains a 1D Perlin noise function (similar to sines summations), but this functionality cannot be directly extended to more dimensions.

I am attaching this additional assembly that forms smooth Perlin noise and Simlex noise, two very well-known smooth noise functions studied by Ken Perlin. Inputs are:

- a point pt: the location to sample
- a number (double) t: the "location" in time
- a scale (number): a multiplier to change the scale of the values passed by pt and t

To install this component:

- download PerlinSimplexNoise.gha to your desktop
- right click the file and choose "Unblock" (might not be necessary, but please do it)
- from the Grasshopper interface, choose File -> Special folders -> Components Folder.
- move PerlinSimplexNoise.gha to that folder (ends with "\Libraries")
- restart Rhino. You'll find the components in the Math tab!

If you want to know more, I suggest to check Simplex noise demystified, by Stefan Gustavson.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

New release on Food4Rhino
This is it then,

Cheers Giulio.


Ops, this is the newer version.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

Hi Giulio,

Is this the version we looked at in vienna?



Yes, if I remeber correctely it is.

Here also an example for the component. You see the reflections like this in Rhino 5.

- Giulio
This and many other procedurals are already available in the RDK, it would be nice to be able to have access to them in Grasshopper.
That's true, a .Net binding for the RDK would be very useful.
I do not know if it is planned to have it in RhinoCommon, at least in the first release.

As far as I remember, however, procedural render textures are mostly either 2D (UV) or 3D (UVW). The above implementation is 4D.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
I'm not sure if there are any atm, but they should add 4D procedurals to the RDK. If you are going to render an animation, you'd like the waves in the water to move.
Those small waves are either fluid dynamics or might be as well 3Df(u,v,t) = n
- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Amazing, thanks a lot Giulio. You rock!






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