
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I am trying to make this in plain GH. Got stuck. Moving and rotating a point around in space... Flipping diagonal creases (from left or from right with a toggle) adjusting the lenghth of each triangle individually and bending at every crease, trying to keep the width of the „paper” stripe.

The definition is getting a bit too complex for me and its hard to keep the toggles under control :)



Can you advise and show me a simple solution please ? Perhaps one that I could add more triangles with a slider instead of copying the individual definitions... I am not a programmer nor a mathematician, but it seems to me there must be some easier solution, perhaps with matrix operations (I have no experience with that yet)?

Hope somebody could help me.

Thank you.


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Any ideas?

i am not sure wht exactly is your plan.

Do you want to define all your angles of folding before moving - or recreate a certain geometry with your stripe?


The idea is to create a sort of a flexible "formfinding" and perhaps also an educative tool that could be "extended" to some sort of materialisation GH module (another piece of code that would use the resulting geometry to create some detailing 3D geometry.I wasn't thinking yet about what should be set first: angles or lengths.But yes I wanted to recreate a paper model and also create some more variations by adjusting the geometry. 


well to recreate surfaces - that will be difficult.

if you define the rotating axis first, the result can be this.

I made this project with students in Paris.

You can also look at the work from a group called archiwaste.

You have to be more exact in what you want - otherwise the stripe will drive you crazy!

:) yep my feelings exactly...

thank you for sharing with me, that's actually where I am aiming - at a practical realization in a large scale + love the use of paper/cardboard.

Thanks again.



I am glad that you liked the explodebreds site.  I looked at your definition and have to confess to both admiration and terror at the number and arrangement of wires you show.  I decided not to try to unpack this but to start from scratch to see what is possible.  The first try had sliders controlling all the parameters. While quite flexible I found the lack of intent in outcome not satisfying.  So working from your image I produced a definition that creates a pyramid from your strip.  I think this could be modified to be more responsive to dimension of paper, etc. but wanted to get you the general idea.  I am not sure this is what you are looking for but at least it provided a fun few hours.



Wow, that is amazing in its simplicity. Thank you for your insight Robin.


this may be a bit late, but thank you for this definition! i was stuck on a similar problem - i was stumped by the way the fold angles successively change the overall form of the strip. this has helped a lot - thanks again! :D






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