algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Your list of values are not held in the same memory as the list you are searching. Therefore they are not the same items. You can only find the index of an item if it is in the list. i.e. has come from the list and you are checking where it came from.
Another way of thinking about it is to have a room full of people and you need to find one person but instead of being able to simply say their name you need to provide a DNA sample before they own up, and the only way to get a DNA sample is to take blood from this person.
so...list index doesn't work!
Thanks for the DNA:)
I really dont understand why they do it with "DNA", make no sense...
The fact that you know him is the reason you want his index.
It comes in handy for instance if you Create Set where you are removing identical items from a list to create a unique set of values. The question is which values did you use from the original list, up steps List Index
Notice that I didn't use the K output because that is not the same as the actual list that you are sorting in A
PS: I believe that David is going to add the output i to the Create Set Component anyway, but it doesn't mean that List Index is redundant.
@Michael haha
@Danny and @Brian thank you for the clear explanation on Member Indices - this particular List component's behavior had been confusing me as I try to sort daylighting data out of Ladybug.
I think I was trying to force it to do what the Find Similar component does. Anyway, got it working now.
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