
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here is a new version (First version here) of "Kernel Density Estimation-based Edge Bundling" based on work from Christophe Hurter, Alexandru Telea, and Ozan Ersoy.
Graph Bundling by Kernel Density Estimation.
EuroVis 2012. Computer Graphics Forum journal.

It is based on Visual Studio C# code instance (CPU version) from Antoine LHUILLIER. I changes a bit the code, use of Point3d, Vector3d, change 2D matrix in 1D to 2D ...

The inputs are :

  • lines, on XY plane, which are the base of the graph. The script use end and beginning points.
    • There are some examples in the script, see pictures above
  • There is parameter for the number of runs
  • The is a parameter for Kernel size in pixel
  • The is a parameter for number of smoothings
  • The size of the rasterization grid is by default 300 pixels 
  • The size of the derivative windows grid is by default 1.5 x Kernel size

!! Warning calculations could be long

As outputs 

  • the new graph as polylines
  • I also put a nurbs curve form the polyline (with 100 control points)
  • A mesh representing the accumulation map

Many of the parameters  have an effect on the output, play with them, beware of time. 

Here are some images.

1000 lines random on a rectangle

A inkscape render

Views: 11865


Replies to This Discussion

Hi! May i ask if theres any way i can input curves/polylines instead of lines into the system? 

I Will look at that tomorrow. But it is surely possible. Did you look at the source ?
Have you some examples of curves ?


Tweaked your script slightly by getting curve ends instead of _line.From and _line.To and it worked. I hope i'm doing the right thing, not too experienced with scripting. 

Attached is the simplified file (i removed everything except for the c# script).

Thank you for the reply Laurent! :)


Yes it works, but it is not a great differences because begin and end points  are transformed in line, in reality a lot of points following a line (in Computesampling) and these points are then used to generate the attractions. 

It could be possible to sample the curve instead of lines (made from curves). I don't know if it will change many things. If you are happy with the result you could keep the script like that.  

Is there a way to base it on gpu algorithm?

but it looks like the algorithm itself is for cpu and not designed for parallel computing, am i right?

looked at the alea manual, seems complicated..






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