
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm new to Grasshopper, so I tried to search a bit but I don't know much how to name my needs.

I tried to create a tool that puts the area of the room and a text for the floor type when selecting closed curves. That works for the area, but when I want to change the floor type it's applied to all the curves.

I would like to know how can I do some kind of sub-selections to give different floor types to them. I used value list but that may not be the way to go.

I have the same problem if I wanna make a tool that creates pipes with different diameters.


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Hi Clement,

Your Text Tag has two points going into it from your Move component, but you only have one text string going into the Text input. You should have two. But it depends how you would like to assign the name to the closed curve. 

Is it like this?

If area = x then text = a

Hi and thanks for the answer,

I didn't get what you said about the move component. I have two text tag, one to show the area (the location of the text tag should be set by the centroid, don't know why the link is not there) and another one to show what floor type.

I want the area text tag to work with all the curves I've selected, but I want to set one floor type to some curves and another floor type to others. I want to be able to pick the curves from my main selection. In my example, there is only to curves in my selection. But still, I can't say that this curve goes to this floor type and the other one goes to that one.

I don't know how to achieve that. I could copy my component and make a single curve imput and choose the floor type. But let's say there is a lot of floor type or any other value type. Then I should copy everything for each value. I think there should be another way.

Oh I've seen what you were talking about. It's not coming from the move component but from the area centroid located on the left.

Any ideas about how to handle this?






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