Hi, I have 3 points, A, B, and C, I want to make 2 arcs, one from points A and B, and the other one from points B and C. I have the arcs, but is there a way to control the curvature of the 2 arcs so that they look similar to the ones in the pictures I attached.
Two points do not define an arc. Or rather, you can fit an infinite number of arcs through any two points. What you need is either a third point, or a radius value, or a start tangent vector.
Your [BC] arc is easy, you just copy the end-tangent from the [AB] arc in order to make the two tangent at point B. How you then choose to define [AB] is up to you.
Suryansh' suggestion might be of interest to you as it is a great way to create tangent arcs. It doesn't however allow you to specify the B point, so it may not be a useful component for this particular project.
I had the same problem when I was doing the same homework. I just discovered a component called Evaluate Curve (Curve>Anaiysis>Evaluate Curve), you need to provide the curve, the point where you take the tanget. Then connect the tangent vector to the "D" input grip of the Arch SED. That way the second curve will be come dependent of the first curve.
By that I mean that you need to define a curve first. For my homework, I define the first curve by using the 3pt arc component. With the 3pt arc, you need to connect Point A (first point) and point B (end point), you also need a intermediate point (define by using slider). once you have three points, you can define a curve and this is the curve you need to hook up to the Eval Curve component. Hope this help.
I did set up yesterday the basis of how I would setout (in 2d) the arcs for your 3 point truss, will today give it 3d arrangement and add structural profiles. I found problems with plugging arcs into evaluate curve component, always seems to output properties at the start of the arc (David might verify if this is a bug).
See if the attached is consistent with how you would like to achieve this.
The arcs are controlled by the points in the Rhino model.