
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys.

I'm tryin to model this shape with grasshopper. 

It seems to me like a sort of "twisted mobius strip on an hectagonal base". I'm trying to set a workflow to write the algorithm but I still can't fully comprehend the shape.

I would like to ask you what would be your approach to this particular solid. What do you see in this image, from which point you would start your work.

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Looks like a Scherk-Collins surface, there's a software to generate those as I recall. You should be able to find some papers or maybe even code describing the underlying math and algorithms I'd think.

Man! You're the real MVP!

Thanks to you I can say it's exactly a Scherk-Collins surface. And if i'm not mistaking, it's obtained by bending into a circle a pile of 7 (maybe 8) of the structures in the image attached.

Now what I have to figure out is how to model this minimal surface (if possible with grasshopper), how to stack it into a pile, and than how to bend it


Just found out: the name of the solid is "Heptoroid".

Man, your "Scherk-Collins surface" were really the magic words to google the solution!

Any help about how to model this solid in grasshopper would be apreciated

Thank you man. I'm trying to follow the definition in the link you provided, with poor results for now.

I was supposed to get something like the Scherk's second surface and warp it into a torus after, but what i really get is what you see in the image attached.

I can't figure out where's the error but i'll keep on trying


It definitely is a lot more work, but you can achieve this with clean quad topology if you take the time to think over setting up proper loft sections. 

I tried a fair few things to get here, was ambitious with a mathematical model, but ended up making a much simpler version out of clay, and then trying to work out where to 'break' the surface to create the sections. 

Daniel you are right a clean topology could be more useful. I used a mesh I found on internet (don't remember where), array it, twist it put on a torus thicken it and smooth it. From left to right. 

Here is the script, 2 examples of mesh are provided, the idea of not using isosurface is good to have a clean mesh. The problem is that tou must provide a mesh as input. 

This mesh is arrayed linearly on Z, then twisted n times * PI. Then this mesh is put on a torus with a major and minir radius. 

This mesh is then thickened with an offset in 2 directions and a glueing of free edges of the mesh. 

There are some dams in order to limit calculations. 

An image here

It was done with a mesh I did


great definition! very usefull and easy to use.

Now I'm trying to make it more "flexible" creating the iso surf directly in grasshopper. 

Its called the Scherk-Collins Sculpture Generator

Yeah, great application. I've also found it during my researches. I tried something and it's really simple to use. You can also save an STL file and open it in Rhino.

It's really quick and interesting, but my goal is to achieve the same result with grasshopper

Hey Daniel, could you please share the script?






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