
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Due to some breaking changes in the Rhino SDK that caused bugs and crashes when running Grasshopper in Rhino5, there is now a quick-fix release available for download.

This release has some stuff that isn't quite finished yet, but I didn't want to wait any longer.

New features:

  • Menu ShortCut preferences now have top-level menu names to the left of the list.
  • Added a Voronoi Cell component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
  • Added a 3D Voronoi component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
  • Added a Closest Points component (Vector.Point dropdown).
  • GeometryPipeline object now has a blank type filter by default.
  • Output and Floating parameters now have Disconnect Recipients items in the menu.
  • A default content filter level is now assumed rather than requested.


  • The Tabs would not properly lay-out and sometimes crash, this is fixed.
  • GeometryPipeline object would sometimes recompute from within a solution, this is fixed.
  • Cap Planar Holes component would return null if the brep was already closed, this is fixed.
  • The Null Item component would always return the wrong answer for validity, this is fixed.
  • Due to a Rhino SDK break some serious bugs crept into Grasshopper when running on Rhino5, these should be fixed.
  • Baking list of groups would result in faulty one-directional selection inclusions in Rhino, this is fixed.
  • GeometryPipeline object would ignore hidden objects, this is fixed.
  • Disconnecting parameter sources via the menu would not undo, this is fixed.
  • Pipe would create inside/out breps, this is hopefully fixed.
  • Colour Picker objects would not remember their colour, this is fixed.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 6537

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Thank you David!

That was fast! Thank u David!

Santa brought a present one week before christmas. :D


All these gifts. Thanks!!

WOW, the Voronoi 3d is super fast, maybe can it eventually be that the optional guide brep becomes the fillled voronoi shape rather than a reference for a bounding box? All though its as easy as using solid intersection. 

Hi Michael,

the voronoi algorithm is founded on the notion that a single cell can only ever be a convex shape with planar facets and polyline edges. Allowing any brep to serve as container would break this constraint, and therefore it can only be applied after the fact (such as you're doing here).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hmmm.... voronoi3d seems not to be working for me. I only ever get a list of nulls for both outputs. Maybe I'm just doing something stupid?

Rhino5? If so, next beta...


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David.


Thankyou very much.

I hope you are taking a break over the Christmas period.

Would you think it is a good idea to give pipeline component inputs ?

It sort of operates outside of the solution, giving it inputs would make it run inside the solution. I'm worried there will be conflicts.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Great! Thanks again!

here is a bug about the catenary curve- it makes the domains of the curve in a weird way, take a look at the attachement







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